
Monday, May 30, 2016

Welcome to Planning Things Out

If there's one thing about myself that I know for certain, it's that I always need a plan.Without one, I admit that I am a little prone to panicking. That's not to say that I can't be spontaneous and suddenly change my plans or decide that I don't feel up to what I was originally planning to do. I am able to do stuff like that.

It's just that I like to have a plan.

 A plan gives me goals. If I do this, then I know that will happen. It's a simple statement. Shame that the world isn't as simple. A more accurate statement would be: if I do this, then that is most likely what will happen next. Unfortunately I can't control the future, but I can attempt to minimize changes to my plans.

Plans and goals change. Just because I want something right this second, doesn't mean that I'm going to want it tomorrow. This can cause my plans to change. I don't like changing my plans too often, especially if they involve other people and responsibilities. It's not very considerate for one thing. For another, I personally don't like the erratic nature of deviating from my plans.

It's one thing if I change my own plans. It's another when things beyond my control change my plans for me. The weather is one of those factors that no one can control. If I plan on going to the beach next weekend and it thunderstorms, I guess I have to chance my plans because going to the beach in a thunderstorm does not sound like a fun activity. The exception to that might be if I were an extreme surfer and even that's questionable.

The weather, illness, the washing machine exploding are all things that I can't always plan for. The weather person is sometimes way off. Illness can strike at anytime. I don't think anyone actually believes their washing machine will explode until it actually does. I can do things to minimize the risk of these things happening (check the weather reports for the week, wash my hands, pay attention to that odd clanking sound during the gentle cycle), but I can't predict everything.

I like having a plan. It gives me some sense of security and a purpose. It allows me to reach my goals in various steps. I might not be able to see the future, but you can bet I'll have three or four plans ready for whatever comes next. Unless that future is a hostile dolphine take over. I don't have a plan for that one yet.

Until next week...

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