
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Welcome To Boxes Everywhere

Happy Mother's Day everyone. Did you hug your mom or mother figure today? If you aren't nearby did you remember to call? I got to spend a few days with my mom and sister this year, which was nice.

Originally they were coming to help me unpack and organize a bit. Instead we watched moves and went to Sleepy Hollow. It was nice to relax and enjoy each other's company.

I did feel a little bad though that my new place was very messy with boxes and bags everywhere. I honestly didn't know where half of my things were and it's very frustrating. I've been trying to go through at least one box a day.

Going through at least one box a day is a little more manageable than staring at the very large stack of boxes. Sure I have no idea where anything is, so it's always a mystery when I pull the tape off of the box. It's almost like opening Christmas presents.

Getting rid of the boxes is equally difficult, if only because you have to take them to a separate location because the garbage men won't take them. It adds a slightly higher level of frustration. I can't wait to have a nice clean apartment completely box free.

If I were to add any other advice while unpacking it would be to take breaks every now and again. Moving takes a lot of energy and taking a minute to sit down and relax helps balance out the strain of looking for that one item that you need right this instant.

Until next week...

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