
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Welcome to Risk Taking

Life is full of uncertainty. The unknown is scary. Not having a clear idea of what the future can be really stressful. That doesn't mean I won't try something really crazy and take a few risks.

When I think of the word risk, three things come to mind. The first is the game Risk, which is a much better alternative to Monopoly to kill time and you're more likely to keep your friendships. The second thing I think of is the econmic term "risk" which heavily focuses on making money in the stock market. The saying "greater the risk, the greater the return" is often thrown around, but there is also a higher chance of failure.

The third and final thing I think of are the risks we experience in life. Yes, this definition is very similar to the economic term. The difference is, I either don't always notice the everyday risks or the risk is me leaving what I consider my secure enviornment. I also feel it's very important to take these risks.

Sure these types of risks always have that chance of blowing up in my face (I try to learn from those mistakes), but I like to think the benefits of stepping out of the familiar is far more important than not doing it. These types of risks could be going to a resaurant or bar by myself, moving across country, or even getting into a side car of a motorcycle. All of these things can end in some kind of failure (lets not get into the last one). And that's fine. It's okay to fail every once and a while.

I like taking risks that are within reason (otherwise I wouldn't have moved to New Jersey from Maryland). Sometimes, though, I need someone to give me a bigger push to try new things. I don't think I would have ever ridden in the side car of a motorcycle without my cousin telling me it would be a blast. I probably wouldn't have stayed up until 4am partying without a little encoragment from a friend. I might never have brought tickets to Iceland if another one of my friends hadn't had a great solo trip of her own and told me it would be a great adventure.

Sure not all of my risks have turned out well. Some of them have amazing stories about why I should not have done this action or why another action will not be done again. These stories will not be repeated here.

I want to experience as much as I can from this life. I can't be afraid to try something new. Because then I might live at all.

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