
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Welcome to moving...again.

Yes, I change the place where I crash every night, again. This is my fourth move in roughly five years. I do think this move went a lot better than the last one. Then again I only moved ten minutes from my last apartment, instead of two states over.

Moving takes a lot out of a person. Even more so when you're doing it on all by yourself. Thankfully my last roommate is understanding and is letting me take my time getting everything out and my new landlady is really nice.

The thing about moving is you never know how much stuff you have until you have to pack it all up. The. You have to find it all again while your unpacking. Some items might not survive a move. My DVD player seems to not want to turn on anymore. This is unfortunant because I didn't realize that I had left a DVD in it.

When it comes to furniture, you might have to get creative. The first couple of places I looked at, I had to say no to right away because my stuff wouldn't have fit. Hiring movers is a good idea if you have the money and don't have a friend who moves big items for a living.

If you are interested, you can read about my first adventures in moving Here and Here. Now that I've moved again to my own place here are a few tips:

1) Hire movers only if you have to - moving is expensive. If you don't have to hire someone to help you, the better. However if you do have to hire movers...

2) Get recommendations for Movers - there are a lot of Internet horror stories out there. I find that the most reliable way to get good movers (or at least people who won't scan you) is to ask people who they have used and liked. I found out about these movers from a coworker.

3) Start packing as soon as possible - the first time it took forever to get all my stuff into boxes. This time I started packing about two weeks in advance and half of my stuff was already packed up in storage.

4) Be flexible - things will go wrong, something unexpected will happen. The best thing to do is to factor it in early and roll with he punches.

5) Take sometime to relax - moving is stressful and no matter how much I wish everything was already unpacked in its rightful place, it's not. I don't want to get burnt out and won't want to either. Taking sometime to sit down and take a break lets me regroup and think about my next step.

After a long weekend of moving, I'm super tired and now need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work tomorrow. I'm going to curl up on my couch and sleep for a nice long 8 hours. That's right! I've got my couch back! How I missed my baby! Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me. Now I'm going to sleep...zzzzz.

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