
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Welcome to To Do Lists

Just as I get something done, five more things suddenly need my attention. I try to get everything in order to get everything done in a timely manner (or at least have a hard deadline). Some days it's an easy thing to do. Then there are the days where nothing seems to want to get accomplished.

When it comes to work, I better have everything on my To Do List done by the time my boss and/or client wants it. There is very little room for error and it is unlikely that I'll receive any reminders for minor things (these minor things are of course essential to a project's end). I need to prioritize which items need to get done first, which tasks will be the most time consuming, and where in my timeline something must fit in. It can be a difficult thing to do when you have to answer a phone every five minutes.

My at home To Do List is a lot less formal than my at work one. It also tends to include a lot of "I need to clean this" and "you need to make a phone call". It can be difficult balancing down time with being productive. There are just some days where it's nice being curled up in a little ball with a good book instead of running around town.

Then there are the sudden change of plans that you can't always predict. Take for instance my current life. Around the beginning of March, my current roommate mentioned that she wanted to move in with th or significant other. Okay no problem. I'm very happy for them, but what is my next step? Did I try to find a new roommate? Did I find my own place? What's my deadline?

If you want to know how that story ends, well, I'm moving out in two weeks. I will have a blog post about that soon enough.

What are the best ways to keep a To Do List? Here are a few tips:

1) Make a list and stick it somewhere you can see it - post it notes are annoying and useful here.

2) Put it in your phone/tablet/computer - nothing is more annoying than getting 12 notifications in the span of 30seconds to do something. Motivation right there.

3) Get a planner or calendar - I feel this one is very straight forward. It's also for people who don't remember what the notification in their phone is. The act of writing things down is also a great way to boost the memory.

4) Creat an outline with a priority level and timeline with all steps involved in completing a task - this is more important for work To Do Lists.

5) Annoy someone else into remembering it for you - it doesn't always work and you might piss a few people off. I don't really recommend this one, but if you do choose to use it be prepared for the consiquences.

And those are my tips for getting things done and crossing items off of a To Do List. Find the best combination that work for you. Now I need to get back to packing.

Until next week.

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