
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Welcome To Alternative Culture

Because Normal Is Vastly Overrated...

This past weekend I went to BronyCon. I honestly did not know what to expect. It was my first Con and I had a lot of fun. It's an interesting story about how I found myself surrounded by fans for a show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".

My ex significant other (yes they are an ex now, we haven't gotten around to changing our profiles yet on social media) had been a big fan of the music movement surrounding the Brony movement. They were also a fan of the show. For my readers who do not know, a Brony is typically an adult male fan of the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". However the term Brony is occasionally applied to any adult who is a part of the fandom.

The fandom is huge. I have gotten into the music as well and there are a ton of fan made songs for the show. They are really good and the performers are excellent to watch life. I really like the alternative rock songs myself.  

However a lot of people find it odd that Bronies or really any fandom (other than sports) exist. I don't because fandoms have existed for a long time (see Trekkie for reference). They're really just another medium for people to express themselves with. A creative outlet to escape from reality.

And sometimes it goes against what is the current culture (I repeat see the history of Trekkie for details). It's different and a little odd, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It makes life interesting.

Most people still view comic books and cartoons as being strictly for children, yet people continue to enjoy them well into their adult years (the existence of ComicCon is proof of this). The question is why. Why are shows, stories and other mediums typically geared towards children able to create huge followings that span generations?

I think the simplest answer is: the story. All of these things exist because people enjoy the story. Either because they loved it as a child or have found stumbled upon it as an adult. They find it engaging. That's why I love anime, manga (Japanese comic books) and comic books. There's the conflict, the adventure and the ability to watch characters grow from facing their challenges. It pulls on a person's emotions and makes them beg for more. Even going so far as to help a person struggling with their own challenges.

How many young girls identified with Hermione from Harry Potter because she was a cool bookish heroine? How many young men admired the heroics of Captain Kirk and wanted to be able to be that cool calm leader?

You might still think the idea of a Brony is weird. Yet they are a pretty awesome bunch of people to hang out with and talk to. I especially enjoyed watching some of our military take on the question about what kind of army the world of My Little Pony would have (by far my favorite panel after the voice acting and Who's Line game). Still have doubts?

Watch the show.

I'm serious. I didn't get it either until I watched the first few episodes of the show. That's when it clicked. The show is good and sends a good message. Yes its geared toward preteen girls, but that doesn't mean it's unintelligent.

If you enjoyed this post or it really pissed you off, please like, share, or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers. Until next week!

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