
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Welcome To Thinking Out Loud

Yesterday my mom visited to help me clean out some stuff from one of my closets. I cannot deny the fact that I am a bit of a pack rat. I have old notebooks from middle and highschool, not to mention all my college stuff. I admit, as a personal flaw, that I am sentimental about really stupid things and just won't throw them out because of how much I loved it when I was six.

However, my inability to get rid of junk is not the topic this week. While my mom was here, we went out to lunch for drinks (interpret that sentence how you will) and we bonded as we tend to do when out on the town. I started going off about one of the novels I'm writing. (Fine I admit it, I'm trying to be a writer, it won't be a reality until I actually finish a draft.)  Mom was asking me questions and as we talked I was further developing the plot(s). In essence this weeks post was her idea.

She is right, of course. I tend to do my best thinking when a) I'm pacing around my apartment, b) I am listening to music and/ or c) I'm talking out loud with someone about whatever I'm stuck on. This last method happens more often than not, when I'm angsting about something. I tend to just go off about my problems until there is a resolution or a new problem emergese. I'm sure many of you remember my cable rant(s).

The fact is, writing and talking almost go hand for me. I write to express my problems and come up with improbable, yet hilarious scenarios to solve them. I talk to express my problems and come up with practicle ways to solve my problems. It's also sometimes nice to just have someone as a so sympathetic sound board.

It's just another weird aspect of my personality.

If you enjoyed this post, please like, share or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys are enjoying my crazy life. It is certainly entertaining for me, once I stop freaking out. Until next week.

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