
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Welcome to Victories and Defeat

The World Cup has ended and Germany pulled through for me! I'm very proud of them. It was a great game with a lot of intense moments. Hopefully you guys at least caught the last twenty minutes of over time. It was a great victory!

I went to my fist Major League Baseball game this week. It was amazing! I saw the Orioles play the Nats in Baltimore and had a great time with the church people. I rooted for the home team since it was hard not to. I'm typically a Nats fan as I'm originally from the DC area. The pastor and his family are huge Nats fans though, so he earned some teasing from the rest of us. The Os lost to the Nats, but it wasn't that big of a disappointment for me.

My church league softball game could have gone a lot better. We were slaughtered by 21 runs. I just wish the team we had been playing had been a little more considerate. They were clearly enjoying beating the pants off us. Our side still had a fun day, but we were a little demoralized by the end.

That's kind of how my life is. I win some and I loose some. However I wasn't too disappointed by my losses this week. They weren't life threatening and I didn't have any hard feelings against the opposition. It was fun and exciting. I just wish I hadn't been stuck in the outfield baking away in the hot sun for as long as I had been.

If you enjoyed this post please like, share or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and joy your thought. Until next week.

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