
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Welcome To A Year Of Change

If 2014 was my year of travel, then 2015 was my year of change. There were a lot of changes for me in 2015. Most of these changes were good, or at least I like to think of them as good. Some of the changes weren't what I had wanted, but I learned to make the best of them and some turned out to be very good for me. Other changes I haven't seen the outcome of yet.

I think the biggest change in 2015 for me was moving to New Jersey. In doing so, I left most of my friends and family behind, but I also gained a great roommate and found a really cool place to live. I still miss Maryland and Virginia, though.

I will admit, I am not fond of change. Unless I plan it all out and have plenty of time to accept it, change tends to drag me kicking and screaming into my next stage in life. If change didn't force me into new situations, I bet I'd find myself doing the same thing day in and day out.

A friend of mine told me that change is good. I don't disagree necessarily, but I don't think change is good or bad. It just is. How someone responds to change is what makes the outcome positive and negative. It's always a learning opportunity. It nearly always requires imagination and a whole lot of courage.

Change is a lot of things. It's new. It's exciting. It can be scary. It can be everything a person could ever want. It can be difficult. It is never boring. Change brings new experiences and challenges. I can't learn without change.

Now that it's 2016, I hope things are ready to settle down. Maybe I'll finally have time to finish rewriting that novel (lots of baby steps are required for that one). I don't know what the future has in store for me, but I'm ready.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off), please like, share, or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me. Until next week...

1 comment:

  1. 2015 was a year of big changes for me too. i often forget that life isn't a constant state of chaos. it eventually levels out to a manageable new norm. 2016 will have that, i hope.
