
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Welcome to School Days Long Gone

Next Monday is Labor Day, that means that school will officially be back in session for students everywhere in the USA. Some schools started already, while others are starting this week or next Tuesday at latest. Most college students have already gone back (with varying degrees of embarrassment because their parents are processing the emotions of their child leaving them). I, however, will be going back to my day job and this week's blog post (like many at the end of August) will focus on me not going back to school.
This is your reminder that winter comes after fall and that it does snow in Southern VA.

My first year after I graduate was weird. Back then, I was used to working all summer and then heading back to school in the middle of August. Instead of heading back, though, I helped my little sibling move into their Freshmen dorm.

It's not as weird now, even with the back to school commercials. No, what I am now confronted with is the fact that my friends and relatives are starting to send their kids to school. I know that some of my friends have gotten married and had children, but I still feel far too immature to have my own little ones at the moment, let alone be married.

I honestly don't think I feel that much different from when I was 15 or 16. It probably doesn't help that I'm still often mistaken as a high school student. No I'm not kidding. Maybe, I've matured a bit (which is important) and am focused on different things than my 16 year old self ever focused on.

My transition from full time student to full time member of the work force, has been a challenging one. Sure I'm still learning and working on projects, but I'm so grateful to no longer have to take tests. Now I just have annual reviews, which I think are as stressful as tests, but happen a lot less frequently. My vacation time is also a lot shorter, but I can go places in the off season.

For 12-16 years, school occupied most of my life and during that time, I couldn't wait to be an adult. I could make my own choices about where to go and what to have for dinner. I could stay up super late and watch anything I wanted to on TV. Back then, I didn't really think about a job, paying bills, or responsibilities part of growing up.

The 30 minute sitcoms that are popular always seemed to show the main characters when they weren't at work. Yeah they would occasionally mention their jobs or have the odd episode that featured their place of work, but most of the time the half hour was focused on their family or social lives. As a kid, I thought that life outside of work was what being a grown up was. I didn't realize how different from an episode of Friends or How I Met Your Mother my life would be.

For the past few years my career has been at the forefront of my thoughts (with a few side trips into relationships, exploring my interests, and plotting to take over the world - patent pending). I think it's a bit natural to feel weird or extremely nostalgic at this time of year. Something that was a huge part of your life is over. Sure going back to school is always an option and I'm sure if I ever did, I'd have another emotional roller coaster ride to go through.

But I'm not going back to school. I'm also not 16 (as I kindly point out to the people who actually think I am - this has happened recently and more than once). I have friends who have gotten married and a few who now have kids. I pay bills, lots and lots of bills. I've even started saving for retirement (which is a really long way away).

I want to wish everyone who is going back to school this year the best of luck. I hope you guys do well and are able to have some fun in between all those tests and studying. Maybe someday I'll get my Masters in [insert subject here], but I have a lot to do before then.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me.

Until next week!

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