
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Welcome to Real Life & Go

Last week, I wrote about how awesome Pokemon Go is. And you know what? I still think this game is pretty awesome. I think Nintendo did something brilliant. People are outside (even in the 90 degree heat we have going on where I am), people are socializing, and people are happy.

Well, not everyone is happy, but you can't make everyone happy.

I think Nintendo was also smart to release the game while millions of American school children were out for summer vacation. This way we're not getting dozens of angry reports about the game disrupting learning time along with the safe driving PSAs and other media hysterics surrounding this game.

Yes, there are problems with Pokemon Go (like not currently being able to trade with other trainers, get that patch up Nintendo). Nothing is prefect. If anything, this game has managed to show some of humanities annoying bad habits (like not taking responsibility for poor decision making skills).

Real life is full of distractions. Pokemon Go is probably one of the better ones (at least it requires people to get exercise). It's important to balance them out with other obligations like work and school. There are many days when I wish my life could be one big fun destruction. I wouldn't have to worry about any responsibilities. I could greet the day and do anything I wanted to (even just stay in bed all day).

But life doesn't work that way.

I've always heard that there are only two guarantees a in life: death and taxes. I'd like to add one more (or make an addendum to the taxes bit). Responsibilities are also a guarantee in life. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people will argue with me on it. Many people love to point out how irresponsible one generation is or how kids these days don't have the same responsibilities their parents did. But I'd argue back that paying taxes (even the sales kind) is a responsibility.

As much as I'd love to go look for a legendary Pokemon, I still have to pay my bills. Not to mention, make sure that I have plenty of food, a clean house, and go to work. Distractions are great for stress relief, making me happy when I'm upset, and encourage trying new things. They aren't so great when I forget about my responsibilities or cause a serious health concern or injury.

Pokemon Go isn't the first game to cause a media frenzy like this (I seem to recall a lot of attention surrounding World of War Craft many many years ago) and it probably won't be the last (still waiting for a real live Duel Disk to play Duel Monsters with).

Just keep in mind a few things when playing Pokemon Go:

1) Stay in well lit, public areas - I don't care if that Pikachu is down a dark ally with tons of obstacles, don't go for it.

2) Stay off private property - the parody videos are funny, but seriously going to prison because of Pokemon Go doesn't.

3) Pay attention to your surroundings - the game even tells you to do this.

4) The game can't make you do anything - if it looks like the game is leading you into a dangerous situation, don't continue.

5) It's okay to take a break - especially if you don't have an unlimited data plan.

And of course have fun.

I am amazed by the reaction to this game (though maybe I shouldn't be surprised anymore). There's been a lot of good things to come from this game and I hope it continues. After all Pokemon has been around for over 20 years and will likely be around for many more.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me. Until next week.

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