
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Welcome To Staying Cool

This weekend, some friends of mine came up to visit. I was very happy to see them. Unfortunately was one of the hottest weekends of the entire summer. Fortunately, we had tickets to see The Book of Mormon. So even though we were going into New York City in nearly 100 degree heat, we would be inside for most the time.

I can honestly say that The Book of Mormon is one of the funniest plays I have ever seen. I recommend it if you have a twisted sort of sense of humor (think South Park twisted since it is made by the creators of South Park). I don't know if it would make a good movie or not (but then again what do I know of the adaptation process).

Before the play started, my friends and I were able to walk around for a little bit. There was a street festival going on, which was a lot of fun to see. There were a lot of small shops and plenty of food options. However the heat did start to become a problem, even when we ducked into the M&M Store to cool off.

Even before my friends arrived, I received a few emails from the library I used to go to in Maryland, that Cooling Centers would be available throughout the weekend at all of the county libraries.These are places people can stay to remain cool if they do not have access to air conditioning for any reason. And in this heat, these places can help to save lives.

If you know someone who currently doesn't have air conditioning (or a cool place stay), see if you can invite them over. If you can't invite them over, find out where your local Cooling Center (if you have one) is and get the word out.

With the release of Pokemon Go, there have been a lot more people outside as well. If you really want to go Pokemon hunting, bring plenty of water if you plan on going hunting for Pokemon. My friends and I went through six bottles of water in very little time. Finding a place to hunt for the cute little creatures inside might be a better idea between 10am and 3pm (I've heard rumors about IKEA having a lot of Pokemon hanging around).

And don't forget about your pets! I've seen a lot of reminders going around to not leave pets inside a hot car. I've also seen recommendations to not bring pets to my local farmer's market because the pavement heats up so much that it has the potential to cause dogs to overheat.

 I hope everyone is able to find a way to stay cool and hydrated in this heat. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that cooler weather will arrive soon. Please stay safe everyone!

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