
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Welcome To Making Important Decisions

Oh, April, you can't ever be a simple month. There are so many things that go on during the month of April that it's sometimes hard to keep it all straight.

It's not even like April was ever an easy month. When I was still in school, April meant the start of exam season. Sure, I was excited for summer break to start, but the amount of work I had to due to earn that time off was annoying at best and down right depressing at worst. Then for senior year, add in the stress of finding a job, well, I was going just a tiny bit bananas.

At this time last year, I was freaking out about my living situation. Now I am once again freaking out about my living situation. I have to either find a new roommate or a new place to live. If only everything (*cough rent *cough) weren't so expensive in this state. There's also my taxes I have to think about, making sure my car is state approved, etc, etc, etc. Being an adult is a never ending cycle of things that need to be done.

Important decisions are inevitable. There are a lot of times where I have no idea which option to choose or which path to take, but I have to do something. There's always the option to do nothing, but it's not as realistic as I like to pretend that it is.

Making decisions while stressed is a bad idea. At least for me. Some people thrive under stress. Now me, I question myself too much. I like to be calm when a make decisions. I know I've though things out and am ready for whatever comes next.

One of my yoga teachers recommends standing on one foot before making a major decision. She insists that it works. I'm not sure if it's a psychological calming technique or if it's a coincidence, but she swears by it. Do I personally think it works? Well I'm not going to say it doesn't work. I find that standing on one foot helps me focus, almost like meditating.

The other major factor in making a decision is my gut. I used to watch a lot of NCIS and the character Gibs always made a point of listening to his gut. He's totally right. Nothing is more important than gut intuition. A good or bad feeling can make all the difference.

So the next time I'm faced with a major decision here's what I'm going to do. Take a deep breath, lift one foot, focus on the moment and go with my gut. Hopefully I don't question myself too much after that.

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Until next week.

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