
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Welcome to the Hecktic Month April

It's almost April 15th. If you live in the good old U. S. of A. then it's almost time to file your tax returns. Isn't that wonderful? No? Well too bad it still has to get done, whether we want them to or not.

April always seems to be a busy month. Before I graduated (college or high school there's not much difference for this), April meant that it's was the homestretch. Exams were just around the corner, which was then followed by the freedom of summer. I miss those days sometimes. Sometimes the state exams even started in April.

Last year at this time, I was getting ready to move to New Jersey. This year I'm getting ready to move to a new place, thankfully only ten minutes away. I seem to never catch a break in April.

This year I think the seasons decided to play a massive April Fool's Day joke on us in North America (at least on the east coast).  Here in New Jersey, we were supposed to get snow last weekend. It was still miserably cold, but there were only a few flurries. My home state of VA, though got a light dusting and apartently they got a small storm by my mom in MI. Thanks April, it wasn't like we hadn't already had a weird winter or anything.

I'm one of those people who likes stability. April is rarely a stable month. I think it's because it spring. It's a time for new life and a fresh start. The flowers are starting to bloom, a lot of animals are having babies, and it's finally warm enough to go outside without five layers of clothing on.

I've heard that April used to be the start of the new year (this was back a long time ago Europe). It makes sense since winter has left and life seems to return to the world. Maybe with all of the changes this season I'll make a seasonal resolution (in addition to any New Year's resolutions I may or may not have made). This season I resolve to bring positive change into my life and grow to except that some things are just out of my control.

Now, I just need to survive my birthday, moving, and my three month review at work. It should be a piece of cake.

Or at least manageable.

Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off), please like, share, or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me. Let me know if you guys have any seasonal resolutions too!

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