
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Welcome to Halloween Decorations

Tis the Season to Decorate like Crazy

Halloween is officially over. At least according to major retailers. I'm still celebrating by watching Coraline and the Nostalgia Critic has an extra Nostalgiaween episode coming out this week. It will probably be another week before all of the Halloween decorations have come down.

All of the pumpkins at market!
Then comes the Christmas decor. I wouldn't mind too much, except that Thanksgiving comes a good month before Christmas does and retailers barely seem to pay any attention to that holiday (though I personally feel it has a great potential for a market).

Personally I think Halloween has the better outdoor decorations. There are a lot more options for the spooky holiday. Driving through the different neighborhoods, I saw skeletons, ghosts, spiders (I think a lot of people read the same magazine there were a lot of them), and graveyards popping up on people's lawns.

Neighborhood decorations
Growing up, we had a small hill on our property that was the perfect spot for a graveyard. We would put up tombstones, have a witch crashed into a tree display and show everything in an eerie green light. It was a lot of fun to set up (taking it down was another story). We would put a fog machine next to our front door and put decorations in our front bushes that the trick or treaters would have to walk next to to get candy. Everyone who drove on our side of the neighborhood could see our house and we always got complements on the display.

My roommate and I were able to put up a decoration on our door. It's a ghost saying "Boo". We also put up smaller decorations like candles and a few signs reminding us to have a "spooky time". Though it wasn't a lot, it was still festive. We don't exactly have a lawn to put up a graveyard. I wish I could have recreated something like what I saw at the Chelsea market in New York City.
Decorations at the Chelsea market in NYC
The town of Ridgewood even set up decorations in town. There was a small celebration in the park at the center of town for the little kids. It wasn't a lot, but it was still cool to see. Definitely something for kids under the age of 7.

The park in Ridgewood featured a graveyard with ghosts and spiders on Halloween.
They even had a pumpkin patch for the kids to pick out pumpkins in.

Sorry Linus, no Great Pumpkin in this patch.

I'm sad to see all of the Halloween decorations come down. Yeah, sure Christmas is just around the corner and I'll start getting the whimsical magical feeling deep down in my gut. I'd rather have Halloween stick around a little longer. After all, if it's aceptable to have Christmas lights up until February, shouldn't we be able to have that graveyard up until December?

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Until next week.

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