
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Welcome To Dating

As Dot Would Say "I'm Cute!"

Dating in high school and college is very different from dating after you've graduated. For one thing, you aren't forced to interact with people your age for hours on end every day. You have to search our potential partners, which can be twice as hard if you don't like going out.

My first significant other out of college, was actually an old college friend. We lived an hour from each other, but they were going through army med school and I was just starting out, so the distance didn't bother us. Now, though, if I want to date someone it's different.

In college/high school I might have a class or two with a potential date. I might have even been in the same club or sports team. It was easy to know who they were and what they were interested in (and Facebook helped). I thought that dating in college was easy, especially since I ignored anything remotely romantic in high school.

Now, I have a couple of options for finding a date:

1) Going to a bar - you have drinks to help loosen you up, but it can be loud and and hard to start a conversation with someone. I've tried it a few times and none of them ended well. Other people I know enjoy meeting people this way.

2) Online dating - though I haven't tried this option, several of my friends have been really happy with it. My roommate from college lucked out and found a great person. My current roommate didn't have the same luck and met their current significant other outside of a bar in Hoboken. I think it's one of the easier ways to date in this day and age. After all, the media is constantly complaining about how Millennials are attached to their phones.

3) Random everyday occurrences - though I don't recommend dating co-workers (that could be awkward), there are many day-to-day interactions that could lead to potential dates. For example on this week's episode of The Flash (it's on the CW, Hulu, and Netflix) one of my favorite characters asked out the coffee barista. Another example would be me getting someone's phone number at the farmer's market (I then proceeded to run away, but if you are aware of who I am, this fact wouldn't shock you). You never know how you'll meet.

You never know who you're going to meet in the so called "real world". You might run into a friend you haven't seen in years and rekindle a friendship. You might stumble across someone who has the same interest in Halo that you do.

My point is, that I never expect to meet the people that I do. For better or worse they end up in my life and I have to figure out if they should stay in it.

Until next week.

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