
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome To Long Weekends

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US? That means I have an extra day free to do whatever I want. I think I'm going to spend it relaxing and pretending the outside world doesn't exist. These days don't come very often, so it's nice when they do.

However, if I stay at my place and don't do anything for the three days, I can occasionally get a little bored and restless. There are a lot of things you can do on a long weekend. Here is a list of my top five things to do on a long weekend.

5) Do nothing but sleep for an entire day. It might not be the most productive thing to do, but it can be very rewarding.

4) Go on a cleaning spree. It's hard to clean during the week because once I get home that's it I'm done. I'm making dinner and relaxing. That's it.

3) Go into the city. I get to explore the area and see some of the sights. Also food!

2) Have a mini vacation. It's fun to get away and go exploring. Having an extra day to not rush back to real life is what makes it the best time to go over a long weekend.

1) Having friends and/or family come visit. They can go exploring with you or help you with a video game binge.

Long weekends are fun, yet rare. I try to enjoy them when I can and hopefully you guys do to. Some of my friends have the option to trade the day off for a different day later. I sometimes wishi had this option, but I dont.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day everyone. Maybe we can all celebrate by seeing Selma. U til next week.

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