
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Welcome To The Ice And Snow

It got cold really fast. Of course that meant that we had our first snow fall of the year. Of course my old school district messed that up and had school anyway, (smooth).We also have a high chance for ice tomorrow. Hibernation keeps sounding better and better this winter. Shame that suggestion won't fly at work.

It really wouldn't be so badif I didn't have to dig out my car every morning. It adds 20 minutes to my morning routine. I also have to be extra careful because even though I have experience driving in the snow, not everyone else does.

So how should someone out in the cold cruel world prepare for snowy days and chilly wind? Well if you can, work from home. Use up your weekend supply of hot chocolate and popcorn to keep yourself warm. It also helps to have a nice comfy blanket to huddle under while you work. 

If you have to go into the office and you live anywhere south of Philadelphea, don't go. It's not worth your life. Call in sick of you have to. Trust me, the roads will not be pretty.

If you choose to disregard my warnings (or you live in a state that is less likely to panic over a few flurries), plan to give yourself an extra hour of wiggle room. This is especially true if you live somewhere without a covered garage (though shoveling a driveway can take up to an hour). Digging out a car under a few inches of snow is a pain., anything more than six inches should be made into an Olympic sport.

Don't forget to dress warm and invest in good snow boots. I realized I needed a new pair when I put my foot into a snow pile and my toes took an ice bath. Also have a plastic bag for when the snow accidently falls on to your seat. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the cold. I wish I still lived somewhere with a fireplace, but until I do I'll just huddle under a blanket with a hot beverage and prey for an early spring. Hopefully the subzero temperatures don't stick around (unless you live in the Chicago region, I hear that's a nice balmy temperature for you guys).

Until next week.

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