
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome To Dust Bunnies

Well the New Year has come and gone along with Christmas. We have a few weeks until the next big holiday that I get an extra day off. Hopefully everyone is well rested (and sober) to start working again. I guess this means I can't sleep for 10 hours a day anymore. Though I do look forward to not having to go anywhere for the foreseeable future.

It was a busy holiday. I saw "Into The Woods". It's really good if you like fairy tales and musicals. I was very surprised by some of the things that happen.

So now I have to take down all my holiday decorations and clean some of my presents (I got kitchen stuff this year, I'm excited to test them out). I get a little sad when I do because I love the decorations and now I have to wait a whole year to see them again. I could always leave them up, but then anyone who visits might think I'm lazy (that might not be too far from the truth).

Well since I have to clean anyway, I might as well just clean the rest of the apartment. It's sort of like a New Years cleaning spree. I've been at it since I got home today.

How do I motivate myself to "winter clean"?

Step 1: Clean in small doses, but don't just shove one pile of stuff to a different corner of the room and then shove it back into the original spot a few hours later.

Step 2: Make sure I have all the cleaning supplies that I need. It tends to ruin the flow if I have to run out for stuff.

Step 3: Make a list. It helps to remember what you have already done and still need to do.

Of course, this is me I'm writing about.

In this case, ignore all of the steps listed, find a spot in the closet, shove everything there and hope no one notices when they come to visit. Sure I still have to vacuum and dust, but at least the floor is clear.

I hope you guys have fun taking down your decorations. Maybe instead of cleaning your entire apartment (or dorm or house) you could throw a de-decorating party. At least someone is there to help you finish the Christmas cookies.

Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share and/or leave a comment. Thank you again for reading and let's start 2015 off to a good start. Good luck everyone!

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