
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Welcome To Exhaustion

It's winter. Once again snow is in the forecast and it's still cold (obviously if snow is on the way). All I want to do is hibernate until spring. Unfortunately I am obligated to get my sorry self up and work tomorrow. How I wish I was still in school and could enjoy a snow day.

It's not uncommon for me to suddenly become a complete sloth in winter. It's not "cabin fever" where I'm restless and need to get out of my home (though if I'm stuck in my home long enough I start longing for an excuse to see the world).

I remember coming back from rugby practice one weekend, passing out and sleeping for 12 hours. I vaguely recall one of my roommates asking if they should wake me up to go see a show and another saying to just let me sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling great and ready for another all day practice. I hurt all over Monday morning, but it was worth it.

So my first question is, how do I beat the urge to sleep my weekend away? Perhaps I should try to get enough sleep during the week (haha like that will ever happen). It might work. Perhaps I should drink more coffee (I probably drink way more than I should already).

Then there are the days I'm so tired I can't sleep. I think those days are the worst. I am ready to drop off into dream land and I can't.


Usually I'm stressed or obsessing about something (never a good thing). It's been a tough couple of months and I think the stress is finally catching up with me. I sometimes just wish that the world would stop and let me catch up with it. Most of the time I feel like I'm being dragged by my ankles behind the unstoppable flow of time.

Other times I don't know why I can't fall asleep, so I drink some tea and curl up under a blanket. It usually works a little faster than staring at my ceiling. I think I'll do that after the Simpsons tonight. If only the fan in my heater wouldn't stop squeaking (supposedly that's getting fixed tomorrow).

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome To Long Weekends

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US? That means I have an extra day free to do whatever I want. I think I'm going to spend it relaxing and pretending the outside world doesn't exist. These days don't come very often, so it's nice when they do.

However, if I stay at my place and don't do anything for the three days, I can occasionally get a little bored and restless. There are a lot of things you can do on a long weekend. Here is a list of my top five things to do on a long weekend.

5) Do nothing but sleep for an entire day. It might not be the most productive thing to do, but it can be very rewarding.

4) Go on a cleaning spree. It's hard to clean during the week because once I get home that's it I'm done. I'm making dinner and relaxing. That's it.

3) Go into the city. I get to explore the area and see some of the sights. Also food!

2) Have a mini vacation. It's fun to get away and go exploring. Having an extra day to not rush back to real life is what makes it the best time to go over a long weekend.

1) Having friends and/or family come visit. They can go exploring with you or help you with a video game binge.

Long weekends are fun, yet rare. I try to enjoy them when I can and hopefully you guys do to. Some of my friends have the option to trade the day off for a different day later. I sometimes wishi had this option, but I dont.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day everyone. Maybe we can all celebrate by seeing Selma. U til next week.

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Welcome To The Ice And Snow

It got cold really fast. Of course that meant that we had our first snow fall of the year. Of course my old school district messed that up and had school anyway, (smooth).We also have a high chance for ice tomorrow. Hibernation keeps sounding better and better this winter. Shame that suggestion won't fly at work.

It really wouldn't be so badif I didn't have to dig out my car every morning. It adds 20 minutes to my morning routine. I also have to be extra careful because even though I have experience driving in the snow, not everyone else does.

So how should someone out in the cold cruel world prepare for snowy days and chilly wind? Well if you can, work from home. Use up your weekend supply of hot chocolate and popcorn to keep yourself warm. It also helps to have a nice comfy blanket to huddle under while you work. 

If you have to go into the office and you live anywhere south of Philadelphea, don't go. It's not worth your life. Call in sick of you have to. Trust me, the roads will not be pretty.

If you choose to disregard my warnings (or you live in a state that is less likely to panic over a few flurries), plan to give yourself an extra hour of wiggle room. This is especially true if you live somewhere without a covered garage (though shoveling a driveway can take up to an hour). Digging out a car under a few inches of snow is a pain., anything more than six inches should be made into an Olympic sport.

Don't forget to dress warm and invest in good snow boots. I realized I needed a new pair when I put my foot into a snow pile and my toes took an ice bath. Also have a plastic bag for when the snow accidently falls on to your seat. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the cold. I wish I still lived somewhere with a fireplace, but until I do I'll just huddle under a blanket with a hot beverage and prey for an early spring. Hopefully the subzero temperatures don't stick around (unless you live in the Chicago region, I hear that's a nice balmy temperature for you guys).

Until next week.

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome To Dust Bunnies

Well the New Year has come and gone along with Christmas. We have a few weeks until the next big holiday that I get an extra day off. Hopefully everyone is well rested (and sober) to start working again. I guess this means I can't sleep for 10 hours a day anymore. Though I do look forward to not having to go anywhere for the foreseeable future.

It was a busy holiday. I saw "Into The Woods". It's really good if you like fairy tales and musicals. I was very surprised by some of the things that happen.

So now I have to take down all my holiday decorations and clean some of my presents (I got kitchen stuff this year, I'm excited to test them out). I get a little sad when I do because I love the decorations and now I have to wait a whole year to see them again. I could always leave them up, but then anyone who visits might think I'm lazy (that might not be too far from the truth).

Well since I have to clean anyway, I might as well just clean the rest of the apartment. It's sort of like a New Years cleaning spree. I've been at it since I got home today.

How do I motivate myself to "winter clean"?

Step 1: Clean in small doses, but don't just shove one pile of stuff to a different corner of the room and then shove it back into the original spot a few hours later.

Step 2: Make sure I have all the cleaning supplies that I need. It tends to ruin the flow if I have to run out for stuff.

Step 3: Make a list. It helps to remember what you have already done and still need to do.

Of course, this is me I'm writing about.

In this case, ignore all of the steps listed, find a spot in the closet, shove everything there and hope no one notices when they come to visit. Sure I still have to vacuum and dust, but at least the floor is clear.

I hope you guys have fun taking down your decorations. Maybe instead of cleaning your entire apartment (or dorm or house) you could throw a de-decorating party. At least someone is there to help you finish the Christmas cookies.

Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share and/or leave a comment. Thank you again for reading and let's start 2015 off to a good start. Good luck everyone!