
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Welcome To Getting Sick

I might have already moped about getting sick, but when you're away from your family, it sucks to get sick. In college I had the Health Center to go to whenever I felt like I was going to keel over. Now I have to figure out if it's worth it to find a doctor. Heck I don't even have a general practioner now. The last time I went to a doctor because I was sick, it was to a pediatrician ( I'm not even going to get in to the time I ended up in the ER some years before).

Honestly I can't stand getting sick. I'd rather be out having a life (or just relaxing by the pool). I've spent most of the day curled up on my couch sleeping. Now instead of my mom taking care of me, I have to do it myself. I had to go out and buy orange juice and cold meds (hopefully the right kind) while sick. No one to do things for me. Alright I'll stop crying about this.

Some things I try when I can feel myself getting sick are:

1) Use a humidifier (but only in the winter) - I get seasonal colds when the weather changes, these things help so much going from a very humid climate to a very dry one.

2) Honey - helps with soar throats. I either eat it straight or add it to some ginger tea.

3) Ginger - helps with aches and pains. Tea is my favorite medicinal form. I can make it as strong as I'd like.

4) Citrise - orange juice, lemons in hot or cold water, limes are all filled with vitamin C and yummy.

5) Movie Marathons - the best way to spend an afternoon curled up under a blanket trying to get better. Such is my remedy.

Hopefully I'm better by tomorrow.

If you enjoyed this post, or it really pissed you off please comment or share. I love hearing from my readers. Until next week.

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