
Monday, June 9, 2014

Welcome To Comic Relief

Yeah, I know it's Monday and not Sunday, but it was a long weekend. I was very tired yesterday. Oh well.

Today there was a bat in my office. I thought it was hilarious, everyone else not so much. I had a hard time concentrating for the rest of the day though, but I think I needed a moment to laught. In fact I often feel like I need something funny and totally ridiculous to wake myself up. The bat was definitely a great way to rejuvenate.

I think I need to laugh more. It helps with the stress and other problems. Things that come out of left field or that are totally unexpected really make my day. Okay yes I'm still laughing about the bat. One of my coworkers screamed really loud. I thought the bat was cute. It looked so sad that it couldn't be free.

I noticed that in really dramatic shows (Attack on Titan which I got my sister into and totally recomend) mix comic in at just the right moements. It defuses the tense situation and you can't help to laugh. I need a lot more of that. Laughter is good for the should.

I honestly wish I had more to write tonight, but the words just aren't coming. Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post or it really pissed you off, please comment or share it with friends, family, your worst enemy or that guy you just ment.

Also Attack on Titan is awesome! When is season 2 coming out. I need more!

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