
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Welcome To One Year Anniversaries

 This past week and this upcoming week are two important mile stones for me (or at least I think they're two important miles stones). The first was me moving out of my parent's house. The second starting my first "adult" job.

My readers might have also noticed that I had not posted anything last week. Let me tell you guys, it's been a very rocky two weeks and this one does not look to be all that smooth either. However I am still grateful for what I have accomplished in one year's time. I almost want to do a recap, but that would be uninformative and (honestly) a bit dull.

I'm not even sure what to write about this. Some of my recently graduated friends and friends going into their senior year of college have asked me a few questions. Like if I've managed to stay in touch with my psudo sorority sisters at all (I keep in touch on occasion). I've been asked if I enjoy what I'm doing. How it feels to be an "adult". Do you like being in a completely new environment (that's a bit more technical than the actual  questions).

Honestly, most of the questions I can sum up with, its different or fine. A lot of people seem to think I'm on some grand adventure, but its really not all that exciting. Yeah there have been my freakout moments. I think my problems with the toilet have stopped for now. I've definatly learned to read the fine print of anything sent to me. I'm also less prone to flipping out if anything happens in my apartment.

So I have grown and matured, a little bit. I still watch Saturday morning cartoons and Lets Plays of horror video games (totally recomend Erik vanWilderman if you don't mind his swearing and crude humor).

I'm also writing more. My goal is to have a draft of one novel by the end of this year (might up that to Thanksgiving, but hey it's my goal). My other goal is to save as much as I can because I want to either travel on my own for a bit (yeah great career move there) or try to start a business or something  while on the road (I'll never have a vacation again).

I've also managed to make some great friends along the way both at church and in my anime club. They're a lot of fun to hang out with when I can. Heck I'm even going to an Os game next week.  It will be great!

I think what the one year anniversary really means for me is that, yes I can do this, now do it again only better. I have to keep moving forward and I have to keep testing my limits. That's all this means. I'm glad to have a great support system in place, even if I forget to use them (which is bad of me).

If you enjoyed this post (or you really hated it) kindly comment or share with your friends, family or worst enemy. I love hearing from my readers (and I know you all are there), so let me know what you all think. Until next week.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Welcome To Getting Sick

I might have already moped about getting sick, but when you're away from your family, it sucks to get sick. In college I had the Health Center to go to whenever I felt like I was going to keel over. Now I have to figure out if it's worth it to find a doctor. Heck I don't even have a general practioner now. The last time I went to a doctor because I was sick, it was to a pediatrician ( I'm not even going to get in to the time I ended up in the ER some years before).

Honestly I can't stand getting sick. I'd rather be out having a life (or just relaxing by the pool). I've spent most of the day curled up on my couch sleeping. Now instead of my mom taking care of me, I have to do it myself. I had to go out and buy orange juice and cold meds (hopefully the right kind) while sick. No one to do things for me. Alright I'll stop crying about this.

Some things I try when I can feel myself getting sick are:

1) Use a humidifier (but only in the winter) - I get seasonal colds when the weather changes, these things help so much going from a very humid climate to a very dry one.

2) Honey - helps with soar throats. I either eat it straight or add it to some ginger tea.

3) Ginger - helps with aches and pains. Tea is my favorite medicinal form. I can make it as strong as I'd like.

4) Citrise - orange juice, lemons in hot or cold water, limes are all filled with vitamin C and yummy.

5) Movie Marathons - the best way to spend an afternoon curled up under a blanket trying to get better. Such is my remedy.

Hopefully I'm better by tomorrow.

If you enjoyed this post, or it really pissed you off please comment or share. I love hearing from my readers. Until next week.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Welcome To Comic Relief

Yeah, I know it's Monday and not Sunday, but it was a long weekend. I was very tired yesterday. Oh well.

Today there was a bat in my office. I thought it was hilarious, everyone else not so much. I had a hard time concentrating for the rest of the day though, but I think I needed a moment to laught. In fact I often feel like I need something funny and totally ridiculous to wake myself up. The bat was definitely a great way to rejuvenate.

I think I need to laugh more. It helps with the stress and other problems. Things that come out of left field or that are totally unexpected really make my day. Okay yes I'm still laughing about the bat. One of my coworkers screamed really loud. I thought the bat was cute. It looked so sad that it couldn't be free.

I noticed that in really dramatic shows (Attack on Titan which I got my sister into and totally recomend) mix comic in at just the right moements. It defuses the tense situation and you can't help to laugh. I need a lot more of that. Laughter is good for the should.

I honestly wish I had more to write tonight, but the words just aren't coming. Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post or it really pissed you off, please comment or share it with friends, family, your worst enemy or that guy you just ment.

Also Attack on Titan is awesome! When is season 2 coming out. I need more!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Welcome To Taking Chances

I like routine. It is both a blessing and a flaw. I don't particularly care for change and will put up a fight when faced with it. I'm on the shy side of the personality spectrum and need lots of down time between each human contact. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I will admit that I do occasionally like taking changes.

For the most part, the changes I take don't have the worst consequences. It usually just involves me seeing if something will happen and if it does that's great. If nothing happens I would go home and bemoan the loss of gas and time spent not doing something productive.

Today I went to church. This wasn't all that unusual as I try to go whenever I am home (so most weekends). This week I found out there was a pick up soft ball game after the service. So I went. It was a lot of fun and afterwards I went to a party with the players. I wasn't expecting being social today, but it was well worth it and I think I've made some new friends.

Another chances I took was signing up to go to a baseball game on a Wednesday. I'm not sure yet if I will have to be away for work that night, but I thought, what the heck I might as well sign up. Hopefully I will be there for the game. It sounds like a lot of fun and I'm paying money for it. If I have to pay money then I want to enjoy what I'm paying for.

However taking changes does not always go well. I try to minimize these experiences and I don't particularly feel like sharing any on this blog (read: typically ending with me really embarrassed), but I think it's important to take chances. You never know what will happen and it could turn out well.

If you enjoyed or it really pissed you off this blog, please share with your friends family or worst enemies. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Thank you, until next week.