
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Welcome To Your Delivery

Sometimes It's Just Better To Buy It And Transport It Yourself

I had another busy weekend. My significant other (who will forever now be referred to as my Sig Fig) finally got back. We had dinner with my parents and saw the Lego movie. We both liked the movie, but I don't think it was all necessary for the awesome story. I wonder what the Nostalgia Critic  will say about it. I loved the good/bad cop and Morgan Freeman was the best. Today I picked up a friend from the airport and had dinner with her. I had a lot of fun and we talked about some of the shows her kids are now watching that I used to watch (like Code Name Kids Next Door).

Anyway this week was also crazy busy. My wonderful Sig Fig sent me several packages for Valentines Day. I got the last one on Tuesday since Monday was a holiday. The chocolate covered fortune cookies were amazing. I also finally got my blue chair (whom I call Bubbles). However Bubbles has a hole in him and needs work done. 

I think I just have the worst luck when it comes to delivering things.

I have a bad relationship with delivery companies. I have made this known. They are not very helpful  and I have to sign for all of them. I typically have to have things sent to my office instead of my home. Though that too can work against me if I'm stuck at home because of a snow storm.

I think online shopping and home deliveries are good and convenient. I just don't always have the best of luck. College made everything easy. All I had to do was go to our post office and they'd give us our package. Now things aren't so simple, but they never are as an adult. I'll keep testing the water until I get the right formula on how to deal with delivery people. For now I'd rather just do things myself.

I'm tired and have to make my bed. Until next week.

If you enjoyed this post (or if it really pissed you off) please comment and share this post. I love hearing from my readers and getting your opinions. I hope someone is getting useful advice from this blog. It is certainly helping me. Good bye for now.

*A grammar error was corrected.

1 comment:

  1. I like it.. except your chair probably has a "hole" in it :)
