
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Welcome To Water

I had a very weird Friday (I had a weird today too, but that's another thing). On Thursday I followed my usual at home routine and nothing was off at all until I wanted to take a shower. I turned on my shower and there was no water pressure at all. Barely a trickle of water came put of the tap and forget about the actual shower head. I ended up taking a very odd bath. The hot water also shut off half way throughout the bath.

So there wasn't any water in my apartment when I went to bed. I got up Friday morning to icky brown water coming out of all my taps. I let all of my water run until it was clear again, but I still wasn't sure if it was safe to drink. I got a little creative with the water left in my hot water maker and left super early for work. I was eventually able to call my leasing office and find out that there was a water main break at my pool and that the water was okay after I let the brown run out. I just wish they had emailed me and told me so I would have planned for having no water.

I have learned from this experience to always have some water on hand (at least in my hot water maker). I have also realized how much water I use in a day. I use water for everything (cooking, cleaning, hygiene and just plan drinking). Water is incredibly important and I couldn't use it at all. I have learned the error of my dependence and now apriciate where my water comes from, that is clean and I don't have to walk a mile to get it.

At least my water pressure isn't tied to the electricity. A place I used to visit would loose water anytime the power would go out and the electricity would go out at random times. This ment nothing to drink, clean or flush the only toilet with. I did learn to take baths in a freezing lake. Let me to tell you polar bear baths (freezing baths or showers were called polar bear [insert water type] in camp) are aweful, but you do get used to them.

My lesson for this week is simple: I am thankful for clean tap water that comes to my house with water pressure.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please comment or share. I love hearing from my readers (I know you're there) and getting your opinions.

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