
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Welcome To Halloween

Fall is my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday. The movies, the costumes, and the atmosphere are all what make the day awesome. I was really looking forward to my first Halloween on my own. However it did not turn out quite as I had planned. 

Halloween at school had usually consisted of the college being decorated with pumpkins by one of the secret societies (at least I think that’s who did it) and everyone dressing up in costumes. Parties usually took place the weekend prior to the holiday. If you lived in an apartment off campus, you usually had trick or treaters. It was nothing over the top, not like the winter holidays.

To get ready for Halloween, I brought a few small festive things. I got some nice jack-o-lantern hand towels, a bowl with witches on it, and a pumpkin. I did not carve the pumpkin because I did not want to clean up after it, so instead I took a sharpie and drew a graveyard scene on it. It is currently still sitting in the center of my dinning/card table. I also brought some candy even though I was not sure if I would get trick or treaters or not. 

The day started out eerie. There was a full moon and it was very foggy. It was hard to see while driving, but I did make it to work in one piece. By the time I got out of work, all of the clouds had moved on and the sun had come out. It was a beautiful drive home, but everyone seemed to be on the highways. It took forever to get back to my apartment.

I enjoyed seeing the few kids out in costumes and the decorations. Unfortunately I did not have a single trick or treater. I still have most of the candy I brought (which was not a lot), but now I have no idea how to get rid of most of it. I do not really like candy (though I will eat it). 

Though I did not have anyone begging for candy at my door, it was a bit of a blessing. I found out not too long after I had gotten home from work that my grandfather had died. I am still a bit in shock that he died. Now whenever I think of him, I remember the Halloween he was watching my sister and me. I was dressed as a vampire and I think my sister was something cute and adorable (she usually was). He was a retired minister, so I was a little surprised when he told me that I did not have scary enough makeup. He added really cool blood trails dripping from my mouth and I looked so scary (as any seven year old could) that I scared the next door neighbor’s son so bad he refused to go trick or treating that year. I gave him some of mine. 

I spent the rest of the night watching Halloween specials (this is what I had originally planned to do) and talking to people (mostly my family). It was stressful and relaxing at the same time. Maybe next year, with Halloween on a Friday, it will not be so weird. Now I have to plan for Thanksgiving. I hope my sister cooks again this year. I am not sure I am ready to cook a turkey just yet.

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