
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Welcome To The Hand Wash

Well both of my laptops have decided to have problems. I forgot one's cord at work and the other I don't even want to discuss. Go me and electronic problems...again. Hopefully I actually did leave the laptop cord at work or I am in big trouble. Anyway this week's lecture - I mean blog post - is on laundry. Honestly I have been thinking about this one for a while.

My apartment complex technically has laundry rooms. This is very much a technicality. There are only two washers and dryers in a room every three buildings. This isn't too bad, except that the hours posted mean that I can only do my laundry early on the weekends. This is why I typically do my laundry at my parents house (my dad has been talking about adding a quarter machine for me to pay them with). I usually choose to do it at my parents house because a) it's free and b) mom wants me to visit more often.

The laundry machines at the apartment aren't awful, but they are also not as nice as the ones at my parent's house. They are exactly like the ones from my alma mata, except more expensive. They also break down about as often as the ones at school did. They are not terrible and I can live with them, but they also cost money and are not the most gentle on really nice clothes. This is why I have taken to hand washing some of my clothes. Thursday is hand washing day.

Hand washing clothes is a great way to get nice clothes clean without worrying about ruining them. It is also easier to get rid of certain stains (e.g. blood, sweat, oil...etc). Hand washing also has the benefit of giving your arms a great workout. Here are some of the things I have learned to do while hand washing:

1) Always wash your clothes in a clean sink or bathtub. You won't get other stains in your clothes if you so this step first.

2) Hydrgen peroxide, white vinegar and baking soda are the best for getting rid of stains. Hydrogen peroxide is great for getting blood out of anything. You just have to be careful with colors. All three of these home products can cause fading in colored clothing. However they are also really good at keeping white clothes white.

3) Woolite or other gentle detergent is better for hand washing than other brands. It keeps clothes from getting too uncomfortable.

4) I almost always hand wash my clothes in cold water.

5) I always thoroughly wash and moisterize my hands after washing my clothes. My hands get really dry, so it is important to put lotion on them.

If you start washing your clothes ( to save money or protect your clothes) always talk to someone who has prior knowledge of doing so before you start. You could accidentally end up ruining your favorite silk shirt. Also the internet is also a very good resource. I found a lot of information on getting rid of some of the worst stains from online help guides. I hope this helps.

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