
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Welcome to a Balcony Garden

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the start of spring and how I had fallen back on one of my favorite hobbies: gardening. In the past two weeks, my little garden has grown a little more ways than one?

I went to one of the few gardening centers still open and picked up some Boston lettuce, tomatoes, lavender, camomile, and bachelor buttons (my favorite are the blue ones. I’m having a hard time stopping myself from buying all the plants and pretty pots, but I just have to remember how much space I have.

I admit, going out and being near people right now is very stressful. I’m much happier surrounded by plants and watching the birds fly around while the squirrels play a game of chicken with the local dogs. Occasion a bumblebee will pass by - I’m glad for that because they’re becoming a rarity and we need them for the plants and flowers.

When I get a free chance, I’m outside squatting down looking into the container with carrots and peas that I’m growing from seeds. I probably look a lot like Mei from My Neighbor Totoro while waiting for signs that the plants are growing.

I knew it would take more than a week, but I’ve finally started seeing little pea shoots and the first thin stems of lemon balm. I’m hoping the carrots are soon to follow. The camomile and bachelor buttons were just planted, so it’ll be a little while yet before I start seeing them come up.

I don’t like to think that there will be a shortage of fresh food, nor do I like to think that that fear is what’s driving my plant choices. However, those thoughts do swim around my mind from time to time. It’s a lot easier plucking a couple of leaves of romaine than going out to the store for a full packet.

I’ve seen other people mention that they’re starting a garden. I hope the practice catches on. Gardening is relaxing. The planting, tending, and harvesting of plants makes me feel closer to nature in a way that I haven’t in a long time - even when I go hiking.

I know gardening isn’t for everyone. First time I killed a plant (it was a rosemary bush), I thought I’d never get another plant again. Then I got a papyrus plant and a spired plant, and I suddenly wanted to grow more.

It’s tough, it rewarding.

My garden is mostly herbs right now. I’m looking forward to having fresh mint tea and adding rosemary to my soups.

One day I hope to have a house with a decent size yard to grow a large garden. It’ll have a lot more vegetables and maybe a fruit tree or two.

That’s likely way in the future.

Until then, I’ve got a small balcony facing north - south would be better, but I take what I can. I’ve got some veggies and a lot of herbs. Soon there’ll be some flowers with cute little bees flitting between them all. I’ll likely have to chase the squirrels away.

I’ll keep y’all updated on the garden... because right now, it’s what I got.

Until next week.

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