
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Welcome to Too Much Screen Time

Every week Apple decides to give me an update on how much my weekly screen time I’ve had and whether or not it’s changed from the previous week. It’s a cheerful little ping that sounds every Sunday morning. Sometimes I want to chuck my phone against a wall.

Between my time spent working, using Zoom or FaceTime to talk to my friends, writing, and reading (Lord this list keeps going on and on), I’m getting a headache from how much time I spend staring at a screen. I can't seem to escape the blue glow of electronic screens.

Most days, I roll over and have to pick up my phone to either hit the large snooze button or fumble my way to the alarm "off" button. Once my phone is in my hands, it's all too easy to start scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I might check my email and see if there's been an update to one of the serial stories I'm following. There might be a YouTube video I want to watch.

My day ends in bed again scrolling through my phone. Partially I do this to make certain that my alarm is actually set, but then it turns into me fighting going to sleep. I scroll and jump apps until I can't see straight. A lot of times I'm answering texts and waiting for the replies.

I am well aware that this is not healthy and I've been trying to fix this problem, but it's easy to fall into bad habits when my only connection to my friends and family is a super computer that fits in my hand.

Too much screen time and lack of actual physical human contact has definitely affected my mood. I feel more tired, I'm having trouble sleeping, and I'm having trouble doing things that I enjoy (like writing).

One would think that as a writer, I might enjoy having a greater ability to sit down and write my novel, short stories, and poetry. One would be wrong. As soon as I get into the mood to write after a day at work, I feel too tired to even open my personal laptop. If I do managed to open my personal laptop, I have a hard time concentrating on creating the story I want to. I think I was more creative when I was working in the office then when I'm working at home.

Also, cutting off my screen time right now (for a weekend, I still have to work) probably isn't the best option for me. It's my only way to contact my friends and family. Dropping off the face of the Earth isn't the best idea for right now (even as a joke).

Today, instead of scrolling through my phone, I picked up a new book I'm reading (The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley - a Robin Hood story) and then later started a puzzle. The puzzle is still taking up room on my dining room table. I probably won't finish it for a couple of days.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful I live in a world with Internet access and a cell phone to be able to see and speak with my friends and family over great distances and especially in this time of social distancing.

I'm just very excited for the day when I can go over to my friend's house and play a board game (hopefully Betrayal at House on the Hill). I want to go to Sweet Frog without worry. Heck, I want to take a trip to the mountains and write for a weekend. Anything to get me out of this strange blending of days.

We will get through this. I need to remember to take care of myself and take breaks away from my screens. I need to go outside and get some sunshine. I need to remember to call my family and answer my friends' texts.

Honestly, is it any wonder that so many people have turned to Animal Crossing during these times. It gives the illusion of going out and talking to people - sure you're basically an indentured servant to Tom Nook, but at least he doesn't charge interest.

And no, my younger self wouldn't enjoy being stuck inside all the time. Younger me probably would have enjoyed it for about a week before playing through all of my GameCube games (by then I should have reached the bottom of both the mines in Harvest Moon).

I did still have some screen time today. I'm writing this blog post and I have a food blog waiting to be written as well. However, I do feel a little better having taken some time away from my computer and phone.

I hope everyone is doing okay and taking time to look after themselves. A lot is going on and can affect each of us in different ways.

Until next week.

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