
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome To Indecision

I have a lot of big decisions to make and I don't want to make any of them. If I could stop time for maybe two weeks for me to get my act together and actually think about what I have to do, I might feel better. Of course then I might spend all two weeks of that frozen time on my couch watching Netflix.

I'm moving. It's a fact I'm still having a hard time admitting to, but it's what is happening. I have to find a place to live, downsize (because apparently things are just that expensive where I'm going) and adjust to the new location. It could be worse. I could have lost my job. Thankfully I didn't and they are helping with the move.

Then there are the little day to day decisions I need to make. What will I have for lunch today? Should I get my hair cut this week. Does this bill really need to be paid this month? You know the stuff you know will get done, but you just have to remember to do it.

I'm burnt out. I have reached a point where if I have to make one more choice I'm going to crack.

Supposedly I'll be made stronger after going through all of this.

I'll just have to wait and see.

If you enjoyed this post, or it really pissed you off, please like, share or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope ya'll like hearing from me. Until next week.

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