
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Welcome To Resolutions

So it is the end of the year. I honestly do not have any thoughts on what to write this week. A lot of things have happened (mainly Christmas) and more things are still to come (see 2014 on calendars for details). I've been fairly lazy since Christmas. I think time off does that to a person. I have been enjoying it, been catching up on cooking.

I don't really have any New Years resolutions. I think my Christmas wish list sort of summed up what I want out of life. They aren't things to buy so much as things I want to work on / would like to magically fix themselves (except meeting Ellen).

This is the start of a new year and my six month mark for starting my new job. I still sometimes think of myself as the young college student ready to go to class, but not for the test. I should stop thinking like that though because I can never go back to that time. I have got to keep moving forward.

Wait! I've found it! My New Year's resolution is to keep moving forward. Kind of like the movie Meet The Robinson ( I know it wasn't one of Disney's best, but I have a soft spot for it), you can't always look back over your shoulder to the past. I have to keep thinking about the future. It is a scary place after all.

Next week I'll hopefully have something more interesting to write about. After all the new year hasn't started yet.

If you liked this post (or it completely pissed you off) please leave a comment or share. Oh and Happy New Year!

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