
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Welcome To New Christmas Wishes

Sure Adults Can Have Them Too...

First I would like to thank the people who have left comments on my blog. I find them very helpful and I will (to the best of my ability) implement the advice you have given me. I always love getting advice even if it confuses me. It helps me make decisions. I think that is my first Christmas wish this year.

Christmas Wish Number 1: To continue to get as much advice as possible. Some people might think that this is a bad idea and that a lot of people will give contradicting advice. While it is possible to get a lot of contradicting advice, this can also be helpful in obtaining different points of view and understanding other people’s logic. Yesterday I went to my leasing office to get more information on my contract. My significant other and I ended up having a cool conversation with one of the people working there about street smarts in the work force. He directed me to several books. I will let you know what my latest research finds. 

My second Christmas wish sort of stems from the first one, I love learning new things and applying them to my everyday life. 

Christmas Wish Number 2: To grow as a person. Hey I still feel and, occasionally, act like a kid. I need to mature and grow as a person. So my second wish is to keep growing. I hope I never fully grow up, but I do want to be mature enough to be perceived as an adult. 

I have found adult life stressful (more stressful than high school and college combined). The blog does help with my angst, but I do not think I will ever grow out of worrying about everything. So…

Christmas Wish Number 3: Worry less, prepare more. I might never grow out of my worry wart phase, but I can prepare more. Having a check list helps. I think I’ll post one on the fridge and one on my front door. Also never leave home without a hat. One never knows when they might need something to cover your head.

I write a lot now. It’s a great stress relief. I have even started a few fiction works (not to be confused with my fan fiction). 

Christmas Wish Number 4: Finish a novel. I would like to complete a full length novel by this time next year. It does not have to be the final draft, but it would be nice to have a full story written down. 

So far my Christmas Wish List has been pretty self centered and you know what sometimes you need to be a little selfish. You can’t be selfish all the time, but you should have goals and things you want for yourself. It gives you something to strive for know what to keep and change about yourself. However my final Christmas Wish is to meet someone who is incredibly selfless. 

Christmas Wish Number 5: Meet Ellen. Ellen does so many wonderful things and knows how to make people smile. I think she is a great role model. I would love to meet her, shake her hand and maybe help her play a prank on unsuspecting people. However I would be perfectly happy enough to get a hug from her.

So those are five of my Christmas wishes. I have a few more wishes (lower cable bill would be nice), but those are not as important. What is important is living life to the fullest and I think these wishes will help me accomplish that. One day I hope to be someone that people can ask anything of and I’ll be able to give them an answer I feel is correct (or point them to someone who can). Until that day I’ll be here navigating Wonderland and letting everyone know how I do. Merry Christmas everyone!

If you enjoyed this blog post (or it really pissed you off) please comment or share it with your friends, family or even worst enemies. I love hearing back from people and I hope someone is finding some useful advice. Have a great week.


  1. Nice job kiddo!! Grandma loved Ellen's show and watched it everyday she could!! Have a great Christmas!!

  2. I love this post. You have a great list of wishes! I would add one for you to consider. Live in the moment. I spent so much of my life nostalgic for the past or planning the future that I forgot to enjoy the present. Now I try to stop and appreciate the beautiful moments in my life as they happen. Hope you do too!
