
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Welcome To Christmas Cheer

No One Seems To Have It Anymore...

First I would like to say that the “Hobbit the Desolation of Smaug” was great and I highly recommend it. Second, I am watching Psych: The Musical and it is amazing. I think I might laugh my butt off. Please tune in as soon as possible. I wonder how often they will reshow this episode.

So it is ten days to Christmas. Yes Christmas, a holiday recognized by Christians as the birth of their savior and everyone else a huge financial head ache. I am (did I not mention this before) a Christian, though I do have my issues (cough Saint Paul cough cough). I have set up my Christmas tree with Harry Potter Legos (copyright Lego) surrounding the base. I have my advent wreath in the center of my dining room card table. I helped pick out the trees for my parents house. I saw the children’s Christmas Play at the church I grew up in today. I am definitely feeling the holiday spirit. 

A white Christmas is not on my list of desires this holiday season. I have already had two snow falls this December. I did not enjoy either. One encased my cute little car in two inches worth of ice. It took me twenty minutes to dig it out and defrost it. I was unhappy and almost late to work. Therefore snow should only fall on the weekends and melt by Monday morning. I command it and therefore it must be so (I wish that was how it worked). 

Other than discovering that snow is evil during the work week (as well as loosing email access while working from home, but that is another story) I discovered that people actually believe that Santa and Jesus were both “white”. If anyone saw John Stewart (one of my idols) you would have seen his piece on Fox News talking about why Santa and Jesus were “factually” white. I literally burst out laughing. Factually Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew. Unless the Middle East suddenly moved geologic locations and have a very demographic than I learned in Model United Nations then he was definitely not white. Also Santa, or Saint Nicholas if we have to be specific, was from Turkey, not Greece (okay technically it was Greek occupied Turkey, but in modern times it is Turkey). I have officially lost all respect for anyone who has not realized this (mostly Jesus, I can kind of understand the ignorance around Santa due to media stereotypes).  

I shouldn’t rant. I really shouldn’t, but it is sometimes so hard not to. I could probably rant an entire one person play about how bad Maryland driving is and how to correct it. 

Christmas time used to be so magical for me. All the music, the lights and the happy memories were great. I loved it. Now I’m actually kind of sick of it. They play all of the same songs over and over again on the radio. People are going out of their way to make our society dumber (or point out the idiocy in our society). I am just not feeling it anymore. Maybe I will start feeling the spirit again once it gets a little closer to the “Big Day”. 

Happy Holidays everyone and yes it is Holidays. I believe New Years, The Winter Solstice and Kwanzaa all qualify as Holidays at this time of year along with Christmas. I celebrate at least two of those listed on top of Christmas. 

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please leave a comment or share it with your friends, family and / or enemies. I am going back to the musical Psych. Until next week.


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  2. Here is a link to google and how to get visibility in search engines:
    Good luck!
