
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Welcome to Disney's Latest Haunted Mansion Movie

 Didn't I already have a post about a Haunted Mansion adaptation? Yes, yes, I did. You can find it here.

In that post, I wrote about the Muppet's take on the Haunted Mansion. While it was cute and had some fun nods to the many rides, it fell short of anything truly magnificent. 

The 2023 (wow it's been 20 years since the first movie came out) version was a lot better than any other screen adaptation so far. Granted the bar was already set fairly low. 

The 2003 Eddy Murphy Haunted Mansion movie is something of a guilty pleasure - though I feel no guilt what so ever when I go back to enjoy the parts I do like. You can tell that it was made with love for the original ride with some scenes being fully lifted from the attraction - especially in the graveyard. I also really liked the practical effects in the crypt scenes. The opening to the 2003 movie shows that the movie had a lot of potential, but it fell way short of its overall story and message. 

For one thing, the 2003 version of the movie forgot one important fact about the ghosts: they're happy haunts.

The ghosts in the 2003 movie want to escape the mansion and are happy to no longer be trapped. Also there's no explanation as to why all the ghosts are there. In the Disneyland and Disney World attractions, Mr. Disney set up the story so that the mansions were a home for ghosts to enjoy their afterlives - a sort of retirement home for ghosts. The ghosts are described as "happy haunts" and that's why there are ghosts from all over the world.

The 2016 Marvel Haunted Mansion comics vol. #1-5 get this detail right. The story even opens with a reproduced image of the notice Disney placed outside the mansion in New Orleans Square in Disneyland. However, the playful ghosts are slowly being taken over by an evil spirit whose motivations are to make all of the ghosts "hurtful and mean" - look this is a very child oriented story that's all the motivation an evil ghost needs. Madame Leota tricks a young kid into coming into the mansion (he's looking for his grandfather's ghost) to help free her and the nice ghosts who want to spend eternity partying. This story is more of an adventure rather than anything too deep. There are some scary elements, but overall its a solid middle grade read. Though the ending is a little anti-climatic.

The 2023 Haunted Mansion movie also acknowledges that the ghosts in the mansion are supposed to be happy. The explanation for why the ghosts are in the mansion is a little different from the rides' version, but for the most part, the ghosts love the mansion and don't want to leave or be "set free" at the end. 

The theme picked for the 2023 story is universal - grief - and chose to show a healthy way to process it. Multiple characters go through some type of loss. The main character, Ben, lost his wife before the main events of the movie (we see her in flashbacks and in a brief scene early in the story) which mirrors the first owner of the mansion's, Gracey, who lost his wife and held séance after séance to try to contact her. It was all of those seances that invited the ghosts into the mansion.

Unfortunately, not all of the ghosts who arrived were friendly. 

Much like the 2016 comics, one of the ghosts has taken over the free will of the other ghosts and is trying to something horribly (and vaguely) evil. The evil ghost is different (and somewhat acknowledges the Haunted Mansion creepy pasta "Grad Night at the Haunted Mansion") than the comic, but it's clear that some inspiration was taken from it. In fact I'd argue that the creators of the movie referenced as much Haunted Mansion media and lore as they could find. The YouTube channel Offhand Disney recently posted a video looking at many of the Easter eggs - though one commenter noted that the host missed the evil looking trees being from the Disneyland Singalong VHS. 

Most importantly, the movie understands that the house itself is a character. 

And they show both the Disneyland New Orleans Square house (the main one) and the Disney World Liberty Square one (it's related to the evil ghost). 

I enjoyed the 2023 Haunted Mansion. It's not a squeal to the 2003 version. It's its own thing. The critics also panned it - they didn't like the movie at all. Which is a shame because it's good family fun and an introduction to fun horror (much like the haunted mansion rides).

However, I will admit that there are some weak points. The evil ghost is really good at chewing the scenery and the CGI is hard to look at in places. I felt that they could have done more with the Constance Hatchaway character (she has always terrified me in the ride with her ax and bleeding heart). I wasn't fond of the last minute character development for Father Kent (Owen Wilson's character), it felt very shoehorned in. I also thought that the twist wasn't developed enough, though it was hinted at. 

Despite it's minor flaws, the movie overall is worth seeing. Sadly it's no longer in theaters in my area (I caught one of the last showings), but there's a chance it'll gain a cult following (if streaming services and studios will allow that to happen).

The characters are wonderful and well acted. LaKeith Stanfield was excellent as the lead and had nice chemistry with Rosario Dawson. I already mentioned Owen Wilson's character, Father Kent, had flaws, but he did a good job with the material he was given. Danny DaVito is simply a treasure in this film and I hope nothing happens to him in the near future. Jamie Lee Curtis and Tiffany Haddish were a lot of fun in every scene they were in. I even liked the kid, Chase W. Dillon, as Travis.

Jared Leto needs a hobby - preferably one where he doesn't start a cult.

One cool element that this movie implemented was how the story kept all the characters at the mansion. Basically, there are multiple hitchhiking ghosts who will follow anyone who steps into the mansion home. The main character, Ben, has the old sea captain follow him home and ends up with a flooded house before he returns to the mansion. It seems appropriate since the rides tell you to "beware of hitchhiking ghosts" who might follow you home. I screamed my head off at this part of the ride the first time I went on it (I was also about 1 years old at the time).

I'd give the 2023 Haunted Mansion a solid 7 out of 10. Much better than the 2003 movie with plenty of Easter eggs for the fans and call outs for them to find.

Did you see the movie? Let me know your thoughts on all things Haunted Mansion related.

Until next week. 

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