
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Welcome to When the Sky Cries

Yep, that’s the title I’m going with to describe rain.

I created this image many years ago in Paint

I don’t know about you, my readers, but I love a summer rain storm. I especially love putting on a pair of rain boots, grabbing an umbrella, and getting caught in a lazy shower that cools the air and sounds like wind chimes.

Summer showers break the tension of heat and humidity. I know I feel a bit more agitated when the air is thick like cheese and broccoli soup and my skin is sticky from sweat. It’s like standing on the precipice of a major event - all anxiety and wishing something would give. Then, the sky breaks open and cries.

Have any of you had a good messy cry recently. I haven’t, but I can bring up the memory of them. It’s messy and gross which leaves me exhausted…and relieved. Much like the lead up to a summer shower or storm, I feel tense. I usually get a horrible headache behind my eyes that won’t go away until a river of tears cuts down my face.

I’m not a pretty crier. There’s always a lot of snot involved.

But I feel so much better after crying so hard. Usually, I take a shower or bath afterwards. The mess needs to be cleaned away to finally feel refreshed.

A good summer rain is the same. The air feels clean after the storm, less muggy and humid. The sweet smell of flowers is lightly carried on a breeze instead of heavily mixed in the atmosphere like too much coffee sitting heavy in your tummy (sorry, I couldn’t resist the rhyme).

Today I walked in the rain and felt at peace. Stress and tension drifted away like lilies down a stream. A few studies have come out saying that rain showers can help people with depression and anxiety feel better. The sound is soothing and the negative ions in the rain may help dissipate the build up of positive ions the come from our crazy everyday lives. The rain washed away my troubles and left me feeling like I can take on the crazy I know this week will be.

Without rain, we don’t have flowers or food. Without rain, we can’t appreciate the sun. Without rain, there’d be nothing to break the stressful tension of humid August afternoons.

After my walk (and shower), I sat outside with a cup of tea and listened. Rain creates a sound similar to white noise, which we humans can find relaxing.

Truthfully, I didn’t feel like doing much today. It was nice to take a break and curl up with my cat on the couch. I like to think the rain helped.

We need the rain the same way we need a good cry. It may be messy and not always pretty, but will make us feel better.

How do you guys feel about rain? What about thunderstorms? Leave a comment with your thoughts on rain. Do you guys ever think that rain is a little like crying?

Until next week.

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