
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Welcome to if Money Weren’t an Issue

 Have you ever thought about what you might do if money weren’t an issue? 

It wouldn’t take away my anxiety or quell my cautious nature, but it might lead to some awesome adventures and new experiences. I know money can’t solve all my problems, but they could help me achieve some goals and do some things.

If I didn’t have to worry about rent or other bills I think I would spend most of my time traveling the world and exploring as much as I could. I could impulsively go to Spain or Italy and then hop over to Algeria or Senegal. I’d go to Tierra del Fuego and charter a boat to Antartica. I’d go urban exploring in forgotten hotels and camp in every national park. I could be like Scrooge MacDuck, but give the lost artifacts to their original country’s people to keep.

Planning my trip around the world would be a lot easier if I didn’t have to worry about money.

Once I’m done traveling and exploring, I would go back to school and get PhDs until my mind was so full of facts it would float into the stratosphere. I’d take that knowledge and dive deep into the ocean floor to count the number of species in the twilight zone and help people to adapt to climate change.

In between these times, I’d volunteer as a gardener. Helping plants grow and feed my community with healthy, fresh produce. I might even have my own house (with a secret passage and a tower and a library) with a huge garden.

I’d spend my time reading and writing books. I’d see every movie I’m interested in. I’d take dance lessons and maybe a martial art or two. I’d paint and create art to my heart’s content.

There is so much to experience in life and I know that I might only experience a fraction of it. I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the amazing wonders life has to offer. My goal in life is to live live as much of a fulfilling life as possible. I don’t think I’ve done that just yet. There’s so much I want. So much I wish for.

 But this feels selfish of me. 

It’s not that I’d be lazy and idle with my time. No matter how much I imagine a carefree life with travel, education, and creativity, I can’t help feeling that I’m undeserving of such things.

There are so many people who have hopes and dreams like I do. So many people who have to chose between x and y despite needing both to survive.

We have one life (that we know about) to live and it’s a very limited existence. I find it frustrating that there is so much to do and hardy any time or resources to do them. I also am very fortunate to have been given a lot of helping hands to get to where I am now. Am I ungrateful for wanting more?

Or is wanting more an intrinsic conviction of our human lives?

What about you, reader, what would you do if money weren’t a factor? 

You’d still have a time limit. And the pandemic would still be going on. Would you try to find an end to COVID? All illnesses?

Would you buy a nice house? Would it be on the beach? 

Would you travel? Or build the most amazing home entertainment center so you would never have to leave your home again?

Would you write novels? Make movies? Further your education?

Would you spend your days volunteering to build houses or gardening?

Would you spend the rest of your days floating in outer space?

I’d say it’s unfair that some people can do these things without second thought or worry where their next meal might come from, but that’s a little on the nose for this post.

I have so many wishes that are unlikely to come true. But the again…

If wishes were fishes, we’d all eat like kings. And the fisherman would be free to do other things.

If you liked this post (or it really pissed you off -or maybe it confused you this time) like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you like hearing from me.

Let me know in the comments what you would do if money weren’t an issue. Or maybe right a short story, then send me a link to where you publish it.

Until next week.

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