
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Welcome to Two Weeks After the Vaccine

 Roughly two weeks ago, I got my second COVID-19 vaccine shot. Life already feels a little less stressful. 

For those of you who don't know. I'm terrible when it comes to shots (well needles piercing my skin in general...I have a terrible history giving blood too). It's not that they hurt or anything. I can handle a prick of pain. It's that something is going into or coming out of my body that freaks me out.

Thankfully the people administering the vaccine did a wonderful job, listened to me, and took what I had to say seriously. They made sure that I couldn't watch at all while they injected me - though I did find the spring return for the needle really cool.

The experience was fantastic - better than I expected. There were volunteers available to direct people and answer questions. Everyone was nice and smiling. We did have the National Guard out directing traffic at the location I went to - which worried me about any trouble that might happen - but over all I felt safe and welcomed.

There was even a baby Yoda happily thanking everyone for getting the vaccine.

My side affects were minimal. Other than my arm aching for a couple of days and being a little sleepier than normal, I was fine. Other members of my family experienced chills, trouble sleeping, and flu like symptoms, but they weren't as bad as actually getting COVID.

Now that it's been two weeks and I'm "fully covered", I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm still wearing a mask around other people and when I go into buildings, but I no longer worry that every interaction might cause me to get sick.

This week was the first time I started using the gym and pool at my apartment complex. Prior to getting the vaccine, I didn't even feel safe going to these locations. Very few people are at these places and I'm still weary of going somewhere with a large crowd, but I'm getting out of my apartment. I even feel comfortable enough to get into an elevator with other people.

No the vaccine hasn't turned me into an X-man (not that I would complain if it did). I've seen those hilarious videos of people claiming keys and other metal objects are sticking to them and I can't help but roll my eyes. If anything these claims might encourage the younger and more adventurous of us to get the vaccine.

Tis a shame. I was looking forward to having spare change fly at me in all directions.

I encourage everyone who is eligible to get the COVID vaccine as soon as possible. Yes, there are side affects. Yes, getting a shot sucks. 

But getting COVID is so much worse.

Seeing someone you love suffer from COVID is the last thing anyone should experience. 

So, make an appointment. The shot is free. 

Until next week. 

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