
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Welcome to Creative Block

 I seem to need stability and a routine for me to be able to work on some of my creative projects. I’ve been really struggling with writing, painting, and my webcomic throughout the pandemic and it’s been a bit worse since my last layoff. 

I thought that with so much time on my hands, I’d be able to use it to finish my horror novel, maybe get a chapbook published, or work more on my art work. That hasn’t been the case. Anytime I sit down in front of my computer, I feel the need to work on job applications. Blank pieces of paper stay blank. I can’t remove the wrong words from a page to create some blackout poetry.

I have come to realize that I was able to do some of my best writing and art when I was working full time. Which sounds silly. I have a lot more free time now that I’m not working, why can’t I use it to do some creative work?

If I were to guess, it’s that I’m so stressed out right now that I just can’t create.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I can do some creative work. I’ve embraced doing cross stitch and crochet. I’ve brought a few patterns and pinned a bunch of ideas to my Pintrist board. 

I enjoy the repetitive stabbing of a needle trough a piece of fabric hundreds of times to create a picture. It’s therapeutic. Plus, I have a pattern to follow, so I’m not coming up with everything out of my own head.

Creativity is hard.

I tried taking a class on creativity. It became so overwhelming that I couldn’t finish it. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, just that I couldn’t find the right head space to work on the projects or the lessons. I’ve been taking a lot of online classes since the pandemic, it this was the first I really struggled with and I haven’t opted to take anymore since.

The creative process isn’t easy. It takes brain power, concentration, and the right head space. Since my world is off center at the moment, my struggle with creativity is at its highest. And I’m not alone. Lots of people have been having similar issues.

If you’re one of the creative types having a hard time right now, know you’re not alone.

There has been some good news for me since the year started. The anthology my short story “Model Mannequins” is in was just released. If you’d like to order a copy you can click the link here. I also just found out that another short story I wrote a few years ago called “Last Train to Waldwick” will be in Cosmic Horror Monthly.

So I’m struggling, but good things are still happening for me. I just gotta keep hoping the good things continue. It’s what I’ve got going for me.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope y’all like hearing from me.

Until next week.


  1. Have you tried aimlessly driving with some music on and water or greenery on both sides - somewhere rural. No agenda, no thoughts, no worries, just you, the car, the music, the road, the aimlessness, the beautiful water or greenery, the cows, the horses, the prairies, the breeze or the wind and just you! Try it. For me with self-diagnosed ASD with an over-working brain every second it is the only meditation that works. Nothing else does. Try it whatever part of the country you are in. Trust me! Ian

    1. Thank you Ian! I do like taking road trips by myself with a nice audio book or "epic music" place list. I'll have to try that at some poin
