
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Welcome to Reoccurring Dreams

We all know about the most common dreams people have. The ones buzzfeed and other clickbait sites like to use for their top ten lists. They usually include flying, teeth falling out, or being late to an exam for a class I’ve never taken a day of. Sometimes you’ll be somewhere having fun and suddenly realize that you have no clothes on.

I have my own set of reoccurring dreams...and one that has only recently started.

Like in the top tens list, I get the ones where my teeth fall out (with the added bonus of my braces stilling being in and wire jutting out from my mouth). I’ve had the ones where I have no clothes in a public place (those aren’t that traumatic for me). I’ve even been late for an exam or two for classes I’ve never attended a day of. 

The more common ones aren’t too worrisome. Even my dream self is typically more confused than scared or anxious. There’s always one or two details just off enough that, even asleep, I know aren’t really happening. Take for example the teeth dream. I’ll start losing my teeth, while I have my braces and still attending university. The wrong detail - I didn’t wear braces in university, only high school.

However, it’s the dreams that I don’t hear about other people having that I find most distressing. Maybe I’m the only one who has dreams like these or maybe they’ll start to become more common as time keeps moving forward.

My most common reoccurring dream is probably having weird things happen while I’m driving my car. For example, I might be driving and suddenly the light changes to red, but the breaks won’t work and I’ll slide right through the intersection no matter how much I want to stop. My dream self will cringe away, ready to be hit by another car. Nothing bad ever happens.

A similar dream involving cars has me either in a passenger seat or driving two cars at the same time - one behind the other with me in the second car. I hate this one because my body might float away and I’ll still be in control of the car and have to drive it without crashing. Sometimes I can’t see where the car is, but I know it’s general location and do my best to steer it from wherever my body was left.

I hate these dreams.

I feel like I’ve lost control of the situation and terrible things are about to happen - which is probably why I’m having these dreams in the first place.

I’m curious if other people have dreams like this - especially where they get to drive a car Mario Kart style while in a separate car. 

Or if more people will have weird dreams about driving their cars if/when self driving cars become more common.

My latest reoccurring dream is directly related to these trying times and has only recently started. I’ll be out and about, sometimes on a tour, other times in a store and suddenly everyone but me will have a mask on. I’ll freak out and start looking for my mask. Or the people around me will start telling me off because I’m inconsiderate of the others (especially elderly) around me.

I wonder if our generation will start having this dream more and more until it becomes one of the top reoccurring dreams. How long will the pandemic last and how many generations might have this or a similar dream?

Have you, my reader, have had this dream? What about any of the others I mentioned. Let me know in the comments.

Until next week.

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