
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Welcome to Stories Retold

There are some stories that are told over and over again. A new version for a new generation to shape and reflect their world view. One of my favorite stories retold with a modern spin is the Odyssey in the form of Oh Brother Where Art Thou. I was also impressed with the 2019 Nancy Drew movie that was an excellent update to the retelling of the first novel.

Here are five stories lines that I'd like to see redone for this generation.

1) Robin Hood

One of the best versions right here.
I know that we've had dozens of Robin Hood movies, TV shows, books, etc (there seems to be a new movie every decade), but here me out on this. I want a modern Robin Hood story that takes place in New York City, or L.A., or maybe London that features Robin and his "merry" men in the concrete forest of the city. Drop the King Richard plot and restore a better elected official to run the country. There's a lot of great possibilities. 

There are a lot of possibilities of having Robin show up in modern times. I'd particularly be interested in a version where Robin Hood comes from a minority background - rather than an upper middle class white boy.

2) The Story of Psyche and Cupid

Yes we have Beauty and the Beast and Twilight which have a lot of similar plot threads to the classic myth, but I want a modern tale that includes the gods and goddesses. Have Cupid once again run home to his mother Venus after Psyche screws up and let him be locked in a tower. Then Psyche have show her love and commitment to Cupid by trying to win over his mother. Update the tale for a modern audience and put it in a science fiction setting to keep some of the fantastical elements.

I'd include the myth of Hades and Persephone as well, but there are several writers already making amazing updates to this story (such as Nikita Gill).

3) Sleeping Beauty

I love Disney's animated classic Sleeping Beauty, but I do acknowledge that it has a lot of flaws. An updated version of this story might have the "beauty" fall in to a comma after an accident. The "prince" character might read to them everyday and only wake up after the story is over. I'd especially love to see a version with a same sex couple.

4) Treasure Island

How many of you guys remember Disney's Treasure Planet? I wasn't the only one right? I enjoyed it and also love the book. I think that a modern retelling would be a lot of fun and could incorporate more destinations. It could be a mix of Indiana Jones, National Treasure, and Tintin. The setting can still be in the Caribbean or it could be off the coast of India or in the South East Pacific. Incorporate the history of the setting and focus on reclaiming the treasures that were stolen during colonial periods.

5) Carmilla

Technically, there are modern interpretations of Carmilla out there, but nothing super big budget or main stream. At most I've seen a play or two as well as a webseries that she's in. She also pops up in popular culture from time to time like Netflix's Castlevania. However this story needs some love and updates (especially with the potential for positive LGBTQ+ representation - the original story is kind of anti-LGBTQ+). If they can redo Dracula over and over again, why not show some love for Carmilla?

This is list is incomplete and leans heavily on Western European tales - which is what I'm most familiar with. I do think that all of these stories can be updated to include non-white characters, LGBTQ+ representation, and be placed in a modern or science fiction setting. 

What are some stories that you guys would like to see updated? 

Until next week. 

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