
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Welcome to Murphy’s Law while Mercury is in Retrograde

Murphy's law (as explained in the first sentence on Wikipedia) is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".

Apparent retrograde (also from Wikipedia) motion is the apparent motion of a planet in a direction opposite to that of other bodies within its system, as observed from a particular vantage point.

What does it mean when Mercury is in Retrograde?

If I'm to believe one of my yoga teachers: it means to be prepared for anything and everything that might screw up your plans. In other words, weird $h!t happens when Mercury is in retrograde.

Well, Mercury has been in retrograde for a few weeks and my sister's wedding shower was yesterday. Prefect timing for Murphy's Law to take effect and my life to suddenly turn into a 90s half hour sitcom.

To be clear, everything turned out alright. That's how I know that I somehow got dumped into a 90s sitcom, but there was a good portion of the day where it was one thing after the next preventing us from having this wedding shower.

The first major problem occurred about two hours before the shower, when one of the bridesmaids called to say she was stuck in traffic and might not make it. Traffic in Virginia is notoriously bad, but two of the worst areas to get stuck are on 64 near Richmond and 95 anywhere between Frederick and Springfield (which is about 50 miles). Naturally, most of the guests were taking these two highways to get to the shower.

This is actually Portland...where traffic is not as evil as Virginia.
Not much later we heard that the in-laws were also stuck in traffic. At this point, it was safe to assume that the shower was going to start a little late.

Then the final blow: another bridesmaid called. She had all of the decorations and games and had been helping me plan out a lot of the celebration. Her car had died and she needed to get it fixed.

Clearly yesterday was not the day to be on the road.

By this point, I had headed over to the place we were holding the shower. Thankfully, everything there was prefect and the people working there were very nice and helpful.

Now's the part where I really screwed up.

I text the wonderful baker I had hired to make cupcakes. She was confused and asking me why I was talking about Saturday and not Sunday. This is where I actually started panicking because I realized I had made a huge mistake. I hadn't checked the invoice which clearly said the day I asked for delivery was Sunday, not Saturday.

I was definitely a dead duck.

It was at this exact moment, while I was writing my obituary in my head, that my mom calls me to tell me she got all the food and that next time I had better ask to have it delivered. There was going to be a lot of equipment to set up.

I, of course, had to give her the update on the cupcake situation. Mom took it as well as she could given the stressful circumstances. She quickly got to the venue and we set up (with help from the wonderful staff) the food we did have.

That's when my luck began to change and the point at which I realized that I was totally in that 90s sitcom.

Texts began pouring in, updating us on everyone's ETA, which happened to all be between a 15 minute window, 15 minutes after the official start to the party. The bridesmaid who's car had died, managed to get her car repaired and back on the road while only losing a little of her time. The in-laws and the other bridesmaid who was stuck in traffic managed to get to the shower  A few of the guests who were a little early were happy to help with setting up.

And the baker whom I had hired was able to get the cupcakes to the party! She really saved my butt~!

They were really good cupcakes too.

Everything went off without a hitch. Games were played, food was eaten, gifts were opened, and cupcakes were enjoyed! Everyone said they had a great time and had a lot of fun...especially my sister (the bride).

Moral of this little escapade:

  • Always call the venue a few days before hand.
  • Triple check all of your order forms and invoices
  • Expect the unexpected
I don't know if the craziness that occurred yesterday was due to Mercury being in Retrograde, Murphy's Law, or because I'm living the real life Truman Show (that would really freak me out). I do know that I learned to have a couple of backup plans ready to go if bad things do happen.

But really, my life is actually a 90s sitcom.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me.

Until next week.


  1. Ha, as they say "Man Plans and God Laughs!" Glad everything worked out.
