
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Welcome to Passion

Having a passion for something is a wonderful feeling. I personally have a few passions (most fall under the category of story telling) that I try to pursue whenever I get the chance. In some cases, I've even managed to combine passions, such as food and writing to become a food blog.

Cooking for me is fun and relaxing.
 Some people might have only one passion, while others may have a thousand different things that make them want to stand on a soap box and declare how awesome their passions are. Some people enjoy their passions as hobbies like building model airplanes, others turn them into a business.

I think feeling passion for what I am doing is very important. Otherwise, why would I be doing that thing? 

Okay, I'll make an exception to cleaning, since I need to get that done anyway. Then again, having a clean living space makes me feel good, so maybe I do find some sort of passion in cleaning.

I equate passion with strong positive emotions. Being passionate about something should make me feel good, right? That's why I work hard on my hobbies and job. They make me happy and I feel fulfilled.
Shameless plugs are shameless when they are one of my passions...
When I'm making plans for the future, my passions are usually high on the priority list of things that I want to do. I would love to write a novel and get it published, but I have to plan my time wisely to write, do research on the publishing industry, and mentally prepare myself for the massive amount of rejections that are very likely to happen before my dreams become a reality. Since I am a planner by nature, I need to factor all of that in while planning out what I'm going to do each week.

Other people might have a passion for nature. They might try to plan on living in an area with a lot of great hiking locations and outdoor adventure opportunities. People who love dogs might plan on having a place to live that can easily accommodate the fur baby. Someone who loves classic cars might go into mechanics so they can keep their favorites up and running smoothly.

Passions can change over time. I know when I was six, all I wanted to do was go into outer space. I might not have chosen to be an astronaut or astrophysicist, but instead my passion evolved to me enjoying writing science fiction stories (alright fine, it's mostly Transformers fanfiction, but I'm branching out).

Some people might not be able to pursue their passions at the moment or haven't figured out what they are passionate about. An author I recently saw at a speaking event, stated that he always knew he wanted to write a book that he could proudly display on a self. The only problem was he had no idea what that novel should be about. It took him a long time to finally follow up on his passion and today he has a hardcover copy of his book sitting on his shelf.

My passions drive me to keep working hard and enjoy what I am doing. It can be hard to do and might take a long time before a passion is fulfilled, but in the end I think it's all worth it. After all, no one pops out of the ground perfect at what they love. 

I hope everyone keeps working on their passions. I certainly hope I do. 

Also Hufflepuffs are the best!

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