
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Welcome To the Christmas Classic

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a peaceful day (and was on the nice list). Since its Christmas, I won't write anything super long. After allowed want to spend time with family and friends.

That's why I'm going to list my top ten favorite Christmas movie classics. Many are movies or shorts that you've probably heard of, but there might be a few you haven't seen or thought of as Christmas movies. So if you need a break from everyone or just want to find the right movie tonight, please enjoy my Christmas movie classic list.

10) Miricle on 34th Street (original) - I put this movie higher on my list because it's more of a Thanksgiving movie for me rather than a Christmas one. It's the movie I watch with my family to signal that it's the start of the Christmas season. I know there's a 1994 remake of this movie, but I personally think that nothing beats the original.

9) The Santa Clause - I remember when this movie came out. It was funny and I thought it was cool that the guy from Home Improvement started in it.

8) White Christmas - I love the music and dancing in this movie. It helps me to remember to "go to sleep counting my blessings".

7) Christmas Vacation - even if everything goes wrong you can still have an amazing Christmas.

6) A Christmas Carol - The one with George C Scott has definitely grown on me over the years, but I also love the Mickey Mouse version with Scrooge McDuck as Scrooge and the Muppets version is also a treat to watch. It's hard to go wrong with any version.

5) A Charlie Brown Christmas - It's a classic enough said.

4) The Thin Man - Not many people might know this movie (it came out in 1934). It's a really funny murder mystery that takes place in New York at Christmas and though Christmas isn't the focus of the movie, the main characters throw a fabulous party and are shown opening their presents.

3) A Christmas Story - I love watching this with my dad. He has told me that it's very close to what his childhood was like. It's also hard to not feel bad for Ralfie when he is forced to put on the pink bunny suit.

2) How the Grinch Stole Christmas - The animated one that's 25 minutes long, not the live action one. There's just something so amazing watching this movie. It's short, has fun music, catchy songs, and a sweet moral. I'm pretty sure I have the whole thing memorized.

1) We're No Angles - This movie really needs more recognition, especially as a Christmas classic. It's got Humphrey Bogart playing the leader of three escaped convicts trying to escape Devil's Island on Christmas. They come across a shop keeper and his family down on their luck, while their nasty cousin (played by the original Scherlock) threatens to ruin the shop keeper. The three escaped convicts initially plan on robbing the shop keeper, but things take a turn after several hilarious incidents. Seriously check this movie out. It is one of the best Christmas movies out there.

There are a ton of Christmas movies to watch and more come out each year. These are just the ones that I enjoy watching. You don't have to agree with me (in fact I might have left some favorites out), but these are the movies for this time of year dearest to my heart.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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