
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Welcome To Lunch Time

It starts with a drop in blood sugar and a decrease in concentration. It ends with the stomach rumbling and the need to take a break. Lunch at the office is typically between 12 and 1pm and can sometimes be as late as 2:30, which means I usually start eating around 10:30. If that logic doesn't make sense to you that's because I eat smaller meals throughout the day and eat my first "meal" around 10:30. I eat a slightly bigger meal around 1 and a second smaller meal around 3. This way I'm not starving when I get home.

Most of the time I make my own lunch. It has it's benefits. It's definitely cheaper than eating out everyday and I find cooking relaxing. Sometimes I even go all out and make faces with my food.

A tuna, spinach, cheese, and carrot yawning sandwich
Apparently I also eat really healthy food when I bring my lunch because one of my co-workers asked me if I was on a diet or if that was just how I ate after they saw my lunch. My response was that was just what I like to eat. I typically include some sort of protein, a piece of fruit and tons of veggies.

I call this the chill bento lunch...

I like to plan out my meals for the week. Usually I make my lunch for four days and on the fifth (again usually a Friday) I treat myself out to lunch. Occasionally I go out to lunch with my co-workers.

I will admit, the first few times that I went out to lunch with my co-workers, I didn't want to eat in front of them. I felt I was awkward and my inner critic was over analyzing my manners. I'm also not the best at small talk. I prefer to listen and let other people direct conversation. That's not to say that I can't start a conversations, but again, my inner critic is usually telling me to be quiet.

However, it is important to spend time with co-workers and get away from my desk. Lunch time is the perfect time to do that. It's when people can relax a little and talk about what's going. There's also a group of us that watch the Chew while we eat.

Now I need to plan this week's meals. Until next week.

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