
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Welcome To Unwinding With Video Games

So I am upset because I lost something that I really did not want to loose. Lesson, don't put things in your pockets if you aren't going from point A to point B. I'm just glad that it's nothing super important. I am upset because I really liked it. How do I overcome this feeling? Beating the living hell out of my opponents on Super Smash Brothers Melee.

It really does help. So does playing almost any game where I can just button mash. Any incarnation of Mario Cart is also good.

I am maybe a light to moderate gamer. I have a few systems and am debating about which one to invest in (it pretty much all hinges on Fatal Frame 5 coming to the US). I tend to spend a few hours every week playing something or other.

Unfortunately some of my favorite games have been played with so much they no loner work. Sad but true. Also it feels like gaming systems aren't built to last. The older consoles continue to chug away just fine, but the newer models all seem to have something or other that causes it problems. Heck I'm still able to get some good mileage out of my Gameboy color.

I'm also into watching Let's Plays (if you don't know what a Let's Play is, it's when you watch another person play a game and see their reactions). I personally like watching survival horror Let's Plays, as I'm not very good at those games and love the stories/atmosphere.

 So because I have an opinion, here are my favorite games (by system):

Gameboy Color: Pokemon (any version) - and it still works after all these years! Also serieously how does ditto plus any other Pokemon equal baby Pokemon. Wouldn't Ditto be the same gender as the Pokemon it copied?

N64: Mario 64 - Though I've never owned an N64 (actually I never owned a lot of these game systems) I did spend a lot of time playing on my friend's. Mario 64 is hands down my favorite Mario. Giant slide anyone?

PlayStation: Silent Hill - I don't think I've ever been more terrified of a little girl. (Except for maybe in the game FEAR).

PS2: Fatal Frame 2 - From one of the scariest game series ever. Twin sisters in a haunted village with tons of angry spirits. Why did you buy this Nintendo? Why?

GameCube: Super Smash Brothers Melee - It was a tough call between this and Double Dash, but Melee has provided so many years of fun. (Double Dash will always be my favorite Mario Cart).

PC: American McGee's Alice - Beautiful art design and seriously messed up story. This game is a must for any who thought wonderland wasn't messed up enough the first time Alice went down the rabbit hole.

Wii: Epic Mickey - Another incredibly visual game. The use of the Wii remote to either paint or thin out areas of the map is a lot of fun. The story is also very interesting. I especially enjoy the in-between short levels with early 20th century cartoon themes.

 Just remember these are my opinion and if you disagree, well write about it in your own blog.

Hopefully things start to look up for me. Until then I'm going to destroy some stuff on Harry Potter Lego. I'll be here next week.

If you enjoyed this post or it really pissed you off please like, share and/or leave a comment. I like hearing back from my readers. Thank you again.

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