
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Welcome To Terror

Well it's almost Halloween...

This weekend I went to Buschgardens in Williamsburg. Yes Hallowscream has started, yes it technically won't be fall until tomorrow and yes, I don't really like haunted houses/mazes even though Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. However, seeing the decorations and shows (little sense they really make) is a lot of fun. I especially love the workers who really get into character to play up the experience. 

I like the stories and general idea of the terror. I just hate the in your face part of the experience. It's way too freaky. I prefer to watch at a distance.

This time of year is also when some of the movies and TV specials start. I especially love the older Disney Channel movies (Phantom of the Megaplex or Don't Look Under the Bed anyone?). I also love watching survival horror Let's Plays on YouTube. EricvanWilderman is probably my favorite because he has a good sense of humor, but there are others out there. 

I actually managed to find a copy of the original Resident Evil for GameCube. Of course I've died twice so far on the first major bad guy. I think it's the controls. Yep, definatly going to blame the controls, not my aweful video game skills. 

Anyway, I hope everyone is ready for fall. The pumpkin flavored stuff is already on the market and I'm craving a latte. Also here's a Bronycon picture! Please enjoy before the scary pics show up.

Until next week.

If you enjoyed the post or it really pissed you off, please like, share, or leave a comment. I love hearing from my reader and my mind reading powers let me know you guys are there. Also trolls will be left to the boogeyman. Thanks again!

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