
Monday, May 26, 2014

Welcome To Having Good Mentors

A few nights ago, I was speaking with one of my many uncles. He was reassuring me about something or other with regards to my job. I often call him because he lives on the opposite coast and is awake when I am more likely to be freaking out. He is very helpful and often either reassures my decision or tells me how I can do better.

I have come to realize how important it is to have mentors and not just at my job. You also need some people who are removed from the daily stress and can give you a outside opinion. This can help you build a more rounded view of the world.

I have read that having multiple mentors is a good idea. I feel I have at least four. My uncle, my manager at work and two close family friends. Each mentor brings a different perspective. I might not always keep in touch with them as often as I would like to, but I do my best and listen to them as often as I can.

How to know you have a good mentor? I'm not really sure. I know the people who I listen to want me to make the best decisions I can for my career. Personally I think it is best to have mentors in multiple settings. Have at least one at work, one in the family you can rely on, and a few mentors who aren't related and don't work with you. Hopefully you'll find people who are good at giving advise and make great friends.

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Welcome To Unique Opportunities

This past week I was in Hawaii with my significant other. How you may wonder did I manage to go on a vacation to Hawaii? To put it simply, I saw an opportunity and took it. My Sig Fig had to go to Hawaii for work and I decided to tag along for my vacation. I have to say that it was awesome!

The first weekend, we stayed at a resort hotel right on the beach with tons of pools and activities. I honestly could have spent the entire week there, but alas I am still just starting out and don't have quite that much financial stability just yet. We then stayed at a hotel his work provided. This second lodgings was partially why I was able to go. The second reason was that my dad generously gave me a ton of points to fly out (when I looked at plane tickets I about died). Sure I had to sit in the dead center for 7 hours for one leg of my journey, but I did get first class for 3 glorious hours and yes I did order a mimosa.

Some of my sig fig's friends were entertained by the fact that I wasn't worried about entertaining myself while he worked. To be honest I was a little nervous as I was unfamiliar with the area, but after I panicked for a few hours, I put my big person pants on and figured out a plan of action.

Since I am fairly used to traveling on my own, here are some ways to find opportunities when you have no idea what you are doing.

1) Figure out the public transportation system. I grew up outside of a large city with a metro. Once I understood which stop took me where it was easy hop on and off all day. The same thing goes when traveling. Local buses and trains are a lot cheaper than taxis and often offer passes for daily or weekly use.

2) Call friends or family in the area. If I know or am related to someone in the area I will be in (or a friend of a family member) I will occasionally call them up and ask them for ideas of things to do or beg them to take me places. If they do take me some place, I try to take them out for food or fill up their gas tank.

3) Make friends. You can make friends anywhere and it is something I am pretty good at. However if you make friends with people on the trip, be sure to still play it safe. Always tell someone who you are with and for how long. If you get uncomfortable have a check in time to let people know you are okay. You should never be afraid to make new friends, but still make sure you remember that you have no idea who these new friends are until you started talking to them.

4) Walk around. It will give you a chance to get the lay of your surroundings in case you get lost. It's always good to know where some landmarks are to find your way back.

5) Don't hesitate to go out of your comfort zone. Unless it looks like a really bad idea (something that could cause you mortal or psychological harm), try it. You might be surprised at what happens. Get lost or go somewhere you wouldn't think you'd like.

I might not go on epic adventures in Narnia, but I can still daydream. For now I'll be content to explore the opportunities I have and that includes any trips that might pop up. They might be extravagant like a trip to Hawaii or dressed in overalls (as my grandma used to say) like pulling weeds for an older family member and ending up with awesome references.

If you enjoyed this post, or it really pissed you off, please comment or share with friends, family, or your worst enemy. I love hearing from my readers and I know you guys are there. Until next week.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Welcome To Romantic Relationships

Complicated doesn't begin to describe it...

My Significant Other, often referred to as my Sig Fig, is an amazing person. My Sig Fig knows how to spoil me rotten and make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. I am very lucky and fortunate.

We met in college, but didn't start dating until after we both graduated. I was a class year younger. We got back in touch when I moved to the same state (abate about an hour away). We started dating in August and it's been wonderful.

It isn't perfect though. I admit that I am very independent, stubborn and a bit absent minded. My Sig Fig is studying to be an army doctor and doesn't have a lot of free time. I always worry that if we spend too much time together we'd end up hating each other, but when we have had the opportunity to spend (the rare) extended time together, it has been okay. Though my organizing skills could turn in to an issue. 

I wish we could spend more time together and I fear the first time one of us looses our temper for the first time (trust me I have a nasty one). My Sig Fig is an amazing person and I want the best for both of us. I'm scared for the future, but enjoying the present. 

If you enjoyed this post or really hated it, please comment or share with friends, family or worst enemies. I know I have readers and I love hearing from you. Until next week.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Welcome to Spring

It Appears To Have Finnally Arrived

Spring seems to have finally shown up. There is definatly a thick layer of yellow pollen on my car. I'm sneezing more  and I don't need to have my air conditioning nor heater on (saving on bill yay!). 

Spring is definatly a more mild season than winter. Sure we've had more rain than usual and a sink hole opened up in Baltimore and swallowed like 20 cars. That was both terrifying and somewhat hilarious at the same time. I think I need to check on what I think is funny.

Honestly the biggest thing about spring is that it's not too hot and too cold (usually). However, this area seems to go from extreme winter to extreme summer in two days. There is no slow transition. We used at have a saying at my old college. "Welcome to Williamsbuge where the weather's made up and the seasons don't matter."

Spring also means I'm another year older and supossibly wiser (not really, but it's a nice thought). It used to mean the end of the school year and the start of FREEDOM, but I only get three weeks now (it's a French company). 

Spring is here, but I'm not as interested as I was for winter. I just hope my area doesn't flood.

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