
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Welcome To Long Distance

I accident forgot it was Sunday. Um, oops. This week has been pretty busy. I had a lot to do at work and I was invited back to help out at my old high school's MUN conference. The MUN conference was a lot of fun and I learned more about Star Wars than I ever thought I would. Coming back to my old high school reminded me that a lot of my friends and family are far away from where I live (true I have noticed this before, but it is really starting to hit me).

Most of my friends still live in Virginia and though I'm not too far away, with traffic it's still a long way off. One of my friends came into DC last week and wanted me to come for dinner. I was sad to say that it would have taken me a very long time to get there and getting back would not have been fun. I would have been cranky and tired by the time I got there too. I think some of my friends also don't realize quite how far away I actually live from them now.

I do try to visit my parents as often as I can (read when ever I'm too cheap to do laundry at a laundromat). They like it when I come home and I can see my friends in the area. My significant other is also on the way, so I usually stop by and visit him.

This brings me to my next big change. My significant other is on rotation right now. What does this mean for me? Well it means that I am now in a long distance relationship. He is traveling all over the place for school and I'm stuck where I've moved to. It's not like we lived all that close to each other to begin with (roughly 40 minutes), but now we'll be even farther away from each other most of the time. It's a little weird to say the least.

Thank goodness for Skype, Facebook, cell phones and other improvements I social media. My aunt had to write her future husband love letters. I at least have the ability for face to face contact through a pixilated screen and wifi. In fact Facebook, emIl and texting have been my two biggest methods of keeping in touch with people. Sure I guess I could move on to Twitter, but doesn't seem to suit my taste.

I guess what I am trying to articulate is that I am grateful for the technological improvements that allow me to more easily keep in touch with my friends and family. I also like getting snail mail (beats always opening the mailbox and finding another bill) and in person contact is always best, but it gets harder as you get older. No one has any time anymore, especially if you live almost over an hour away.

I am now going to watch Sherlock. I've missed this show and love it so. Until next weekend, I wish everyone a good week.

If you enjoyed this post or it really pissed you off please leave a comment or share it with your friends, family or worst enemy if you have one. If there are any topics you would like to hear about. Let me know. Starting out has been difficult and hard. Never shy away from asking for help.

1 comment:

  1. It was great seeing you at church this morning, Allie!
