
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Welcome To The Cold

When will it be spring again?

So I survived the Polar Vortex. It was not what I would call fun or ideal. In fact I kind of wish it hasn’t happened at all. My ideal temperature is 60 degrees F. I can’t quiet remember what that is in C, so sorry my non American friends who are reading. I like the fall, not snow. Maybe Queen Elsa decided to grace us with her gift (Did a congressman suggest that she couldn’t cool things down in DC?).  Whatever the case it was cold and my heater started to malfunction. 

Yes that’s right, in the middle of the coldest cold spell to hit the United States in planet only knows how many years, my heater decides die. It was cold; I was unhappy and somewhat panicky. Not having heat wouldn’t have been too bad (I actually prefer it colder in my apartment to warmer), but my mom had to tell me what happens in the winter if pipes freeze. Apparently they burst and spread chaos and destruction. I did not want that to happen. I called maintenance and they fixed it all in the same day (mainly because I wined and started crocodile tears and mentioned that is was lower than 60 degrees F). When I got home my apartment was once again at my favorite settings. There was a note that said the capacitor had needed replacing. It was a good thing they fixed it. 

I know I wasn’t the only one with heat woes. Someone I know at first did not have hot water, and then a pipe burst at his place and turned his street into a solid sheet of ice. So things could have been worse for me. I am grateful everyday that my apartment is still standing. I also now know that pipes bursting in my area is a real threat and that I should be prepared for such things happening. This is why I brought insurance. 

I also found it amusing all the people who claimed that this cold spell proved that global warming is a lie. Honestly some people just have their heads buried in the sand. Global warming is real due to humans and naturally occurring cycles. Maybe if we have a super volcanic eruption within the next ten years we won’t have to worry anymore. Not that global cooling would be a good thing either. Ice ages tend to cause bad tempers (see the little ice age on the History Channel).

Thankfully the cold spell has dissipated and things have gotten (marginally) warmer. I saw Frozen this weekend. I give it two thumbs up. I really enjoyed it and thought the “true love” aspect was perfect. I won’t give it away (spoilers) because I am already really bad about giving things away in TV shows. I highly recommend going to see it or renting / buying it when it comes out on DVD. I really like the song “Let It Go”. The transformation of Queen Elsa is incredible. 

I hope everyone is able to stay warm this week. I will hopefully finally take down my Christmas decorations. Spring can’t come fast enough.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please comment and / or share it. I love hearing back from people and it is always nice to know other people’s opinions.  Until my next post!

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