
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Welcome To Life’s Little Mishaps

It's always one right after the other...


It’s almost Halloween and the gremlins are out playing all sorts of pranks on me. It’s starting to get to me.

I know I am not perfect and really all of the horrible and not so horrible things that have gone wrong in my life are my entire fault to begin with. It just seems like its one thing after the other. My dad says that that is just how it is from now on, but the uncertainty for my next screw up keeps me stressed out and on pins and needles.

My string of bad luck in combination with stupid started at the beginning of August. I was on my way to visit friends and had to park in a parking garage. I was being slow and careful, but not careful enough to prevent myself from denting my car and getting white paint all over one side of it from one of the support beams. I spent the entire ride home crying my eyes out. From this experience I learned that you can never be too careful and that the insurance company will help you get it fixed. It will take forever though, even at a nice place. I spent the entire month of September driving my mom’s car.

There have been a few other smaller things. Like I blew a fuse in my kitchen and my silver wear draw finally called it quits on me (that one was not my fault). The small things really get to me. It’s like I get one thing fixed (*cough* the toilet *cough*) and something else breaks. I think I might have an infestation of gremlins. I just hope that it does not get worse as Halloween approaches.

It’s not that I cannot handle what is going on, I can (or at least I think I can). It’s more that I have problems focusing when I get super stressed out. I am always afraid of messing up. I sometimes wish there was a crystal ball that told you that everything would be okay six months to a year in the future, but there isn’t. There is also no guarantee about anything that could happen between now and a year, let alone three weeks. It’s one thing I think I was not quite as ready for. All of the different stress factors becoming an official adult. Things are constantly breaking and need upkeep, prices for everything are constantly on the rise and sometimes I wonder if I can keep up with the fast paced world that we live in.

I know I probably sound like I am whining and I will admit that I am. Most of my mishaps are my fault, but I am doing my best to learn from them. It’s tough and I am terrified of really screwing up. I just keep telling myself that sooner or later I will figure it all out. As the movie “The World’s End” pointed out: humans are imperfect and we will never be perfect, so go annoy an alien race out of invading us by being stupid (and occasionally drunk) humans.

So since we are imperfect here are some quick tips if the worst should happen.
  • Stay calm and don’t fly off the handle. – I have already managed to completely ignore this one, but it is easier to assess the situation when you are calm instead of freaking out. Also ladies you will ruin your makeup if you start to flip. The waterworks are hard to stop once you start.
  • Ask for help. – It might be the only thing that saves you. If you have no idea and the internet confuses you, just call someone you know. Usually they can help or direction to someone else who can. If you are too embarrassed to ask your families ask a close friend’s family. They are less likely to make you feel like two inches tall.
  • Sleep on it. – Sleeping helps you go over the day while passed out (or something like that). I tend to find myself feeling better in the morning (well most of the time, not always). It’s always good to try.
  • Do your research – Sometimes you can fix it yourself, but if you think you could mess it up worse, just stick with a professional (also research).

1 comment:

  1. One of the most important lessons I have learned is not to be so hard on myself. It took me a long time to figure it out. Hopefully you will learn sooner that I did! Maybe it's time to re-think what you define as a screw up. You are finding your way, and it is ok (it's actually a good thing) to make mistakes.
